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R u going to be OK?

Jeongguk sighs for what seems like the thousandth time today. His shift was dragging by slower than usual. He was used to pulling long hours, but for some reason he's been itching to get home.
And see a certain Taehyung, according to the nagging voice in his head.

He'd finished his rounds for the day, and decided to retreat to his office to unwind and prepare for some of the surgeries he had to do later tonight. He figures he has a bit of downtime, but that idea is dashed when he hears someone running down the hallway.

A nurse knocks twice before opening the door and ducking in. "Dr. Jeon, code blue!" Jeongguk frowns, immediately alert, and gets up quickly from his chair; grabbing his stethoscope and rushing after the nurse.

"We have a five year old male. Fainted from lack of oxygen in the lower limbs. We're gonna get him on a ventilator," another nurse explains as Jeongguk strides up to the medical team currently wheeling a gurney through the halls.

Jeongguk looks down, and he feels like he's been punched in the gut, because lying there, with an
oxygen mask on his face, eyes drooping, is Park Jimin.

"Hi... Dr.... Jeon," Jimin says weakly, face pale, lips blue. His voice is muffled by the mask, covering his nose and mouth. Jeongguk feels like his heart is going to burst out of his chest from the sheer panic. His mind goes blank for a fleeting moment, but feels multiple pairs of eyes on him-- his team is waiting for his instructions, and he reminds himself to put the personal feelings aside. He takes a deep breath.

"Jeongguk!" a voice calls out, and Jeongguk snaps his head up to see Taehyung, tears streaming down his face, panicked and frazzled.

"Get him into the ICU. Put him on oxygen with a vasodilator to open up his airways. If he's not responding, do CPR. If there's no response, intubate him right away" Jeongguk orders, and the team murmurs the affirmation. Jeongguk steps away from the gurney to let them get through the hospital foors, and he turns to Taehyung.

The older man rushes to his side, gripping Jeongguk's arm tightly. "What happened to him? Is he going to be okay? I was just goofing off with him and then he just dropped . Oh god , I can't believe this is happening. He's not going to need surgery right? He's going to be okay, right? I--"

"Taehyung, you need to calm down," Jeongguk says, thrown off by the pure fear in Taehyung's eyes. "Breathe, okay? Take a deep breath."

Taehyung makes an obvious attempt, but ends up hyperventilating.

"Taehyung, slow down. I need to you to stay calm, alright? Jimin's going to be just fine but I need you to sit down so I can go take care of it," Jeongguk guides Taehyung to one of the chairs in the waiting room. He's shaking, worry rolling off his body so obviously that it takes all of Jeongguk's willpower not to be affected by it.

"Call Hoseok. Tell him to come down so you're not waiting alone," Taehyung nods, and Jeongguk steps away, frowning. He's never seen Taehyung this broken and he doesn't know what to think.

"God, this is my fault," Taehyung moans as he buries his face into his hands. His shoulders shake with sobs. "I shouldn't have played so much with him, you told me not to. He was breathing too hard already, I should have known. "

Jeongguk takes a shaky breath, trying to steady himself before he tries to steady Taehyung. He kneels down in front of Taehyung, gently prying his fingers away from his face.

"Hey," Jeongguk murmurs softly. Taehyung's eyes are wide, swimming with tears, and he looks seconds from passing out. He wraps his hands around Taehyung's cold ones in an effort to comfort him. This isn't uncommon when dealing with people close to the patient, and Jeongguk usually goes into autopilot here. But he can't-- this is Taehyung .

"Everything's going to be okay. I'm going to take care of Jimin," Jeongguk soothes, taking one hand to brush away the wetness on Taehyung's cheeks. Taehyung hiccups, fingers curling tightly with Jeongguk's own, as he clings onto Jeongguk's words.

"He's going to be fine," Jeongguk says. Taehyung nods shakily. "It's all going to be okay."

"O-Okay," Taehyung hiccups again.

"Are you going to be okay?" Jeongguk asks, cupping Taehyung's cheek. The older man gives him a watery smile.

"I w-will be."


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