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U'r so mean

Jeongguk is putting the last dish in the dryer when his doorbell rings. At this point, his body is conditioned to think that it could only be one person. He sighs, running his hand through his hair before going to the door.


Who else could it be?
Jeongguk blinks, taking in Taehyung's bedraggled, unstable state as he stands in the hall outside Jeongguk's door. He looks drunk .

"Oh, hi Jeonggukie," Taehyung smiles, and his lips form a box shape and it would be almost cute if not for the fact that his eyes are red and he looks like he's going to tip over.

"Wait no," Taehyung frowns down at the floor, scratching his head. "I'm not supposed t'call you Jeonggukie anymore, huh?" He laughs sheepishly, tottering. "Sorry Jeonggukie."

Jeongguk stares at Taehyung, lip curled down in concern. "Come in," Jeongguk says. "Before you seriously hurt yourself," he grumbles, watching as Taehyung stumbles into his living room, plopping down on one of the massive leather couches.

"So comfy," Taehyung says, stretching his body out. As he lifts his arms, his shirt rides up, revealing his taut, tanned abdomen. Jeongguk rolls his eyes, crouching down next to the inebriated man to pull down the shirt again because it's too damn distracting, and that's when he really gets a whiff of the alcohol.

"God, how much did you drink you idiot?" Jeongguk scolds and Taehyung shrugs.

"A lot, I think. Vodka, rum. Oh, I think I had some rum too," he giggles.

"Did you eat anything today? Drink water?"

"Nope," Taehyung says, popping the 'p'.

"You are seriously something else," Jeongguk murmurs under his breath, straightening up to go to the kitchen.

I can't believe I'm doing this, Jeongguk tells himself, but pathetically enough, he can, rummaging through his cupboard until he finds the wheat bread and pops two slices into the toaster. He fills a glass with water, grabbing the bread when it's done, and puts the slices on a plate before going back out to Taehyung.

"Eat this," Jeongguk orders, putting the plate in Taehyung's hands. "When you're done, drink the water." He sits down on the coffee table, right across from Taehyung.

Taehyung scrunches up his face. "I don't like wheat bread," He picks up a slice with two fingers, fake gagging, and Jeongguk bites down the irritation.

"You need to eat," Jeongguk growls. I'm pissed because I'm his doctor, Jeongguk tries to convince himself. Not because I'm worried about him. I'm concerned for his health as my patient.

"Okay. Geez. You're so mean." Taehyung pouts, begrudgingly taking a bite of the bread.


"Chew," Jeongguk says through gritted teeth. I can't believe this. He looks at the clock across from him. It's so late. He'd pulled such a long shift at the hospital, he had only been able to muster up enough energy to cook something before mentally preparing himself to sleep away the rest of the century.

"I'm chewing," Taehyung says, mouth full.

"Chew faster."

Taehyung sticks out his tongue, but dutifully eats both slices of the bread. "Drink this. And when you're done, drink another one." Jeongguk hands Taehyung the glass, and it wobbles dangerously in the older man's hand. The water splashes onto the couch.

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