Sixty Three

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You'll regret it

Sope coming through

"Hoseok ssi."

Yoongi walks up to the older man, who just hums, not looking up from his tablet. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Just did." Hoseok taps at the screen with force, before locking it and looking up, eyebrows raised. Yoongi tries not to feel intimidated. He'd known Hoseok since he was a teenager, and they'd never interacted much-- not until Hoseok became Taehyung's assistant and Yoongi become Taehyung's lawyer, and suddenly communication was much more frequent.

Hoseok had always existed behind the scenes, much like a ghost, and Yoongi had never payed attention until he had to. He still isn't quite sure how to talk to Hoseok, who was a good ten years older than him, and yet, now they were colleagues.

"Well I'm going to ask you another one."

Hoseok nods, and takes out his phone when it beeps. Around them, the noise of construction rings in the air. Yoongi, Hoseok, Taehyung, Jeongguk, and the investors, had come to observe progress on the renovations of the mansion.

Yoongi slips his hands into his pockets. "Do youthink Taehyung and Jeongguk are sleeping together?"

That gets Hoseok's attention. He looks up immediately, the phone in his hand completely forgotten, and he stares at Yoongi in bewilderment.

"Excuse me?"

"Look at them." Yoongi nods his head in the direction of the two men in question. Taehyung and Jeongguk stand close together, listening as the construction project manager talks. Once in a while, Taehyung will whisper in Jeongguk's ear, and Jeongguk will lean close, brush his hand against Taehyung's waist, subtle. No one would find it if they weren't looking.

"You can tell they've had sex at least once. Right?"

Hoseok narrows his eyes. "Yoongi ssi. I don't know why you would think to tell me this."

Yoongi shrugs. "I mean. It's kinda weird, isn't it? They couldn't stand to be in the same room a couple months ago. Now they're like... giggly teenagers."

"I-I never noticed." Hoseok looks down at his phone resolutely, though he doesn't make to unlock it.

"But you've been with them during most of their communication right? You must have sense something?"

Hoseok looks at Yoongi, lips pressed in a determined line. "I warned Taehyung not to get involved with Dr. Jeon. I can't control his personal life, but Jeongguk concerns the company and this venture. Whether he decides to listen to me or not is beyond my control."

Yoongi bites back a smile, pleased at Hoseok's irritated state. He'd never seen the man so off balance. In fact, he'd never seen Hoseok particularly emotional at all. "But... you don't have an opinion on them?"

"What does that mean?"

Yoongi shrugs, eyes drifting back to Taehyung and Jeongguk. "I dunno. They're kinda... cute."

Hoseok coughs in surprise. "Are you implying that they're dating or something?"

"Hey, I didn't say that. I just said they looked cute." Hoseok's eyes widen a fraction, and he fiddles with the phone, trying to school his expression. "Why, do you not believe in office romance, Hoseok ssi?"

"I have no opinion of it."

"I mean if you think about it, it's not really office romance, since they're not exactly working at the same job, right? So it's not the same."

"What are you saying, Yoongi ssi?" Hoseok's voice is too even, too controlled for the odd spark in his eyes.

"Oh, kitten's got claws." Yoongi takes great satisfaction from the way Hoseok's eyes flare. "Or if we're gonna be more accurate, you're more a cougar, aren't you?"

"Yoongi ssi, I promise I can make life very painful for you--"

"Don't think I haven't noticed you checking me out."

Hoseok scoffs, rolling his eyes. "You flatter yourself too much, Yoongi ssi."

"My ass does look great in slacks." Yoongi watches the way Hoseok's eye twitches. "Don't worry. I think you're pretty cute too."

Hoseok narrows his eyes, and for a moment, Yoongi feels a flicker of fear under his skin. Hoseok steps towards him, and it takes all of Yoongi's power not to step back. That would mean giving in.

"I have no idea where you're making these conclusions from, Yoongi ssi. But I don't recommend you speak of them again."

"I'm just teasing, calm down." Yoongi swallows nervously. Now he can't be sure whether the lingering looks were just a figment of his mind-- wishful thinking.

Hoseok tilts his head, gaze searing. "Don't joke around with me, Min Yoongi. I promise you'll regret it."

And with a click of his heels, he turns, schooling his expression to something much more cordial, and walks away, leaving Yoongi reeling in his wake.


Happy Diwali 🎇🎆🎉🎊🎁✨

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