Sixty Five

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Why me?

Jeongguk walks through the halls of the cardiac unit, striding with purpose. The nurses and residents give him a wide berth, knowing the stoic, determined expression and the consequences of somehow interrupting whatever it was that Dr. Jeon Jeongguk had going through his head.

Usually, said seriousness was due to a patient in critical condition, some sort of incompetence from his subordinates. At this moment, it was because Dr. Jeon Jeongguk's phone had just gone off, with a text from a certain Kim Taehyung that read: just landed :) it's so much warmer in LA :O

"Dr. Jeon?"

Jeongguk stops in his tracks and blinks down at the nurse who'd stepped in front of him. It was Choa, of course. She would be the only one in this unit who wouldn't think twice about getting her work done, regardless of whatever mood Jeongguk was in when he stomped around the halls.

Choa hands Jeongguk a file. "The patient in 502 needs to be put on a ventilator again, his BP isn't looking good."

"The one who just had the bypass?" Jeongguk reaches into his coat pocket for a pen. He takes the file from Choa, flipping through the contents.

"How're his LDL's?"

"Too high. We're gonna have to talk with a nutritionist, I think it's the diet."

Jeongguk frowns, considering. "Increase his dosage of ivostatin. I know we have some name brand bull shit but give him the generic, he doesn't need that on his medical bill."

"Should I keep an eye on his heme count? He's diabetic too."

"Shit, what hasn't this guy done," Jeongguk mumbles under his breath. He makes a note on the prescription slip and closes the file before handing it back. "I want blood drawn every couple hours. See how he's looking. Maybe the insulin and glucagon levels are messing with him."

"Sure thing, doc." Jeongguk nods his head and Choa brushes past him. He sighs, stuffing his hands in his white coat pockets out of habit, and his fingers brush against the phone.


He all but sprints back to his office, closing the door and bracing himself against it before digging out the phone and dialing Taehyung's number without even thinking.

"Miss me already, sweet cheeks? "

Taehyung's voice is crackly over the speaker, but Jeongguk sighs in relief nonetheless. He'd been agitated all night, every worst case scenario whizzing through his mind, and knowing Taehyung is safe is enough to make him disregard the teasing lilt to Taehyung's voice.

"Were you waiting for me to text you? " Taehyung asks, and Jeongguk scowls.


"You responded pretty fast."

"I happened to be checking my phone just then. It was convenient."

Taehyung laughs, bubbly. Jeongguk's ears are hot. He doesn't tell Taehyung that he'd been checking his phone every minute for the last ten hours.

"H-how was the flight?" Jeongguk cringes, hating how unsure his voice sounds. He doesn't do this-- he doesn't talk to people on the phone unless he has to. He doesn't know how to make small talk like this.

"It was fine. The weather's really nice here. It's night time right now but it's still warm out. Everyone's in shorts and sandals." Taehyung laughs in amusement. Jeongguk walks over to his desk and settles down in the chair, content to just listen to Taehyung ramble.

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