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Great Kim Taehyung

"You sure this is going to work?" Mark asks, standing behind Taehyung as they wait in the wings of the stage.

"Of course it will." Taehyung rolls his eyes, but he clutches his guitar tighter. Did I remember to tune it? What if a string snaps? What if my voice breaks?

"You're going a pretty long way just to get laid, Taehyung," Jinyoung snickers, and Taehyung shoots him a dirty look. "Didn't try half as hard with Minah."

Taehyung huffs a laugh. Idiots. "Minah wasn't half as hard. She wanted me from the beginning. Getting into her pants was easy."

Too bad I didn't actually get into her pants.

"Now Jeon Jeongguk... he's a tricky one," Taehyung explains, thinking back to the way Jeongguk had looked slamming the door in his face. The younger boy hadn't answered his calls, avoided him in class. He needed to accelerate the plan, because time was running out.

"So you think this is going to get him?" Mark asks incredulously.

"Of course it will," Taehyung drawls condescendingly. "Anyone would kill to get asked to prom like this by me. Jeon Jeongguk is no exception."

He turns his attention back to the principal, who is rattling out the daily announcements, and peeks out to look at the crowd. Most of the students are falling asleep in their seats, others are texting or talking to friends.

"And now... we have a special announcement," the principal says, and Taehyung realizes that this is his cue.

Now or never, he reminds himself, and takes a deep breath before straightening his shoulders and sauntering on to the stage. He mutters a thank you to the principal, who replies with his own thank you, bowing as he backs off the stage, and Taehyung wants to laugh, because he's got this whole damn school wrapped around his finger.

"Hi everyone," Taehyung greets into the microphone at the center of the stage. He's got the students' attention now- there's a murmur going through the crowd, and people have dropped

what they're doing to turn their attention to the Great Kim Taehyung.

Taehyung's eyes scan the crowd, before landing on the small boy sitting in one of the aisle seats near the front. When he meets Jeongguk's gaze, the younger's eyes widen in surprise. Even past the stage lights, Taehyung can see Jeongguk blushing.

"I'm here to sing a song, for a special person here this morning. Jeon Jeongguk, this one is for you."

And then Taehyung begins to strum his guitar, humming into the microphone the first notes of Eddie Kim's 'Slow Dance'.

Taehyung has never been a shy guy. He knows his many skills, and he knows how to use them.

One thing he's always been proud of is his musical talents- he's exploited them too many times to count, and no one ever could resist his deep voice.

And he knows he's got the audience enraptured- he always did have good stage presence-- and some people are even clapping and singing along.

He just smirks and continues, maintaining eye

contact with Jeongguk throughout the whole thing.

Jeongguk looks absolutely horrified, and he darts his eyes back and forth, noticing people around him whispering and pointing at him. He sinks lower into his seat.

Taehyung tells himself Jeongguk's just being shy, that he's secretly enjoying all the attention, and focuses on the song. When it ends, his heart begins to beat rapidly, chest tightening, but he ignores it, grinning into the mic.

"And I want to know. Jeon Jeongguk, will you go to prom with me?" he asks, and the students turn silent, all simultaneously turning to Jeongguk, who looks absolutely terrified.

Taehyung's heart thumps wildly against his chest, and his breath comes out in short little pants but he keeps the smile plastered on his face. There's a pause before Jeongguk jumps out of his seat, grabs his backpack, and runs out of the auditorium.

A bubble of chatter erupts in the audience and Taehyung's smile turns tense as he flushes with embarrassment. He runs backstage, tearing the guitar strap over his head and shoving the large instrument into Mark's arms before bolting out the door in pursuit of Jeongguk.

His heart is beating too fast, his throat is tight, and his limbs feel lethargic. He sees Jeongguk's small form round a corner, but his vision turns blurry at the edges before everything goes black.



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