Sixty Four

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Call me

"So uh... two weeks huh?"

Jeongguk stands at his doorway, hands in his pocket, trying vehemently not to scowl.

"Don't worry Gukkie, it'll go by before you know it." Taehyung smiles at him, eyes kind. One hand rests on the handle of his luggage bag, the other clutches his passport, a printed ticket for Los Angeles tucked between the pages. "Just try not to miss me too much."

Jeongguk stares down at his shoes, because he doesn't really have anything to say about that. He knows he probably will miss Taehyung, as much as he'd hate to admit it. "Maybe I'll be able to get some work done at home finally."

Taehyung grins. "I'll find a way to haunt you. I won't let you rest."

Jeongguk forces himself to smile. "A-are you sure you don't want me to like drive you to the airport or anything?"

"No, silly," Taehyung laughs. "I have a driver. Plus I don't want to inconvenience you."

"You're not-- you're not an inconvenience."

Taehyung smiles softly, seeming to bloom at the words, and Jeongguk wonders whether Taehyung is always like that-- so receptive to kind words (no matter how unassuming).

"I'm okay, Jeongguk. Really. Maybe next time I'll let you be my chauffeur."

Next time.

Next time Taehyung leaves.

Jeongguk fidgets. "Just... have a safe flight. Don't do anything stupid." Taehyung grins widely at that. "A-and text me--"

"Right when I land, I know, you told me like five times already." Taehyung's words are light, but Jeongguk feels them like stones in his stomach.

When did I get so clingy?

Why do I even care?

"I'm just saying..." Jeongguk grumbles, because suddenly it hits him how he's acting-- like a petulant boyfriend. Were they boyfriends? Did sex and spending most of their free time together constitute some sort of title?

Taehyung steps forward, smile soft as always, and presses his lips gently against Jeongguk's. Jeongguk wants to grab him, hold him, kiss him harder. Make Taehyung's lips swell and tingle so that he'll remember, even when Jeongguk is out of sight.

But he doesn't. He's frozen in his spot, and he doesn't move his lips. When Taehyung steps back, he scowls. "Don't miss me too much, Gukkie. Try not to cry too much."

"I'm not gonna cry," Jeongguk says indignantly. "Who do you think I am?"

Taehyung rolls his eyes, alight with good humor. Funny how he's the only one who seems to be relaxed in the situation. "I think you're gonna have separation anxiety." Jeongguk scoffs and looks away, hands stuffed resolutely in his pockets so Taehyung won't see the fists. He can hear Taehyung stepping away, the wheels of the baggage rolling across the floor.

Jeongguk doesn't want to look when the elevator dings. It's petty and he's going to regret it in five

"And when you do, call me."


Shortest chapter ever😂

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