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You Killed Him

Jeongguk clicks his tongue in annoyance when Hoseok's phone goes straight to voicemail. He had been trying to contact the man all day, but he wasn't answering. He half curses himself for not asking for a personal number, but then remembers that he was the one so adamant about everything being professional.

He sighs and tosses the phone into the passenger seat of his car. Taehyung had been scheduled for a follow up to his surgery today. They were supposed to take x rays to figure out whether the synthetic valves were in good condition. Jeongguk couldn't stress the importance of this meeting, and yet... both Taehyung and Hoseok had seemed to have forgotten.

It makes him wonder what could be so important that they would overlook a pivotal doctor's appointment, but he reminds himself that he shouldn't care so much about Taehyung.

As Taehyung's doctor, Jeongguk has a certain responsibility to his patient, but that line is drawn when he's been calling them all day and there is still no response.

It's just as well, because it gives Jeongguk some precious free time. He had gone to the florist and hand picked a bouquet of white gardenias- they were always Sojin's favorite-- and driven out of the city.

He parks his car and steps out, the air fresh and cool, and walks carefully, having memorized the way after so many times visiting the place.

"Noona," Jeongguk says softly, stopping in front of the small tombstone. "I brought your favorite." He kneels down to place the bouquet next to the granite sticking up from the ground.

The stone had been engraved with just her name on it. It was all Jeongguk could afford after her death. But even now, in his considerable wealth, Jeongguk couldn't bring himself to build a large tomb for her. Although Sojin deserved nothing but the best, Jeongguk knew she would have appreciated the small things more.

"Things aren't so good right now, noona," Jeongguk starts. He brushes away the fallen leaves around the tomb stone, swiping away dirt from the granite. "T-Taehyung is back... I know you said he would be nothing but trouble, and you were right, of course." He frowns, biting his lip in frustration because it's so hard to even just say his name. When did it become like this?

"I don't know what I'm supposed to do. He's... such a liar,. He hasn't changed one bit since high school." He picks up older bouquet of flowers, the ones from last week, and stares at them in his hands. He frowns down at them, words on the tip of his tongue and yet not quite knowing what to say.

"I hate him," he spits out finally, before sighing. "You're still the only one who loves me." Sojin had been dead for a long time, and Jeongguk is no longer sad, but the hollowness in his chest always aches whenever he comes here. It reminds him that he's still very much alone.

He opens his mouth to say something else but he's broken out of his thoughts when he hears the crunch of gravel under tires. He looks up to see a silver Mercedes pull up in the parking lot, and the driver gets out to open the passenger seat.

Jeongguk's mouth goes dry when he sees Taehyung get out, thanking the driver, before walking into the cemetery. Jeongguk doesn't know whether he should make his presence known or not, but Taehyung doesn't notice him as he heads towards the large tomb site about a hundred feet

"Hold on noona," Jeongguk mutters, irritation and the potential for confrontation carrying his feet towards the magnificent white granite structure. It had been built almost five years ago, if he remembered correctly, but he had never cared to know who had been laid to rest there.

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