Sixty Nine

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BDMS knowledge


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"I found the drawer," he mumbles, and Jeongguk almost can't make out the words.

"The drawer? I have a lot of drawers, Tae."

Taehyung giggles, wriggling himself closer. "No, the secret one. The sexy one."


"Taehyung that's... it's not just... something you can bring up suddenly like that."

Taehyung notes the way Jeongguk's face turns serious, all traces of arousal gone, and he pouts. What had he done wrong?

"Was I not supposed to see all of that? Because you've had your tongue up my ass so there's no reason to hide your kinks--"


"They're not just kinks, Taehyung."

He blinks, confused. The entire mood had just shifted. Jeongguk lets go of his wrist and runs a hand through his hair. He looks quite the sight with his jeans unbuttoned, shirtless, glasses slipping down the bridge of his nose. Taehyung bites his lip, because he'd really like it if Jeongguk handcuffed him to the bed and fucked him into next Friday but clearly he'd said something wrong.

Sensing Taehyung's confusion, Jeongguk sighs and flops down on the couch, patting the spot next to him. Taehyung moves cautiously, his previous arousal waning.

"Do you know what BDSM is, Taehyung?" Jeongguk asks, after a few moments of painfully awkward silence.

"You mean like the Fifty Shades of Grey stuff?"

At the mention of the book, Jeongguk's face twists in disgust.

" Absolutely not. That book is the worst representation of BDSM i've ever seen. Please don't even say that in my house every again."

Taehyung pouts. "Okay, jeez, sorry."

Jeongguk sighs, sitting up straighter, like he's about to give a lecture. "BDSM stands for bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism. It's focused on bringing physical gratification through different practices, like pain and roleplay."

Taehyung nods and tries not to be distracted by Jeongguk's sexy professor voice. "The stuff in the drawer is just a few of the different things you can use in BDSM."

"So let's do it? I'm totally down," Taehyung says. He would really like it if Jeongguk could fuck him soon, and he's getting antsy.

Jeongguk runs his fingers through his hair, frustrated. "You can't just... do BDSM, Taehyung. You have to talk about everything, what you want and what you don't. You have to figure out what's going to happen before it happens, have a safeword, and a lot more. It's not a casual thing."

"You sound like you have a lot of experience in this." Taehyung doesn't know whether to be amused at how serious Jeongguk is being, and jealous, because he'd probably done all of the stuff he's talking about with other people. People that weren't Taehyung.

"I... do." Taehyung tilts his head at Jeongguk's hesitance. "I'm uhm. I'm actually a uh--professional dominant."

Taehyung leans back and makes a noise of appreciation. "Okay that's really sexy and cool."

Jeongguk gives him a strained smile. "It's not a casual thing, Taehyung. You have to really think about it and communicate otherwise you can get really hurt. The reason people even do BDSM is because it allows them to do unconventional things but still be safe."

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