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Yes sir

Hyungie! Jimin squeals as Taehyung enters his hospital room with Hoseok, armed with a legion of stuffed animals.

Hey pancake Jiminie! Taehyung chirps back; setting the teddy bear, the minion, and the kumamon down carefully on the bed. I brought a few of my friends to keep you company.

Jimin immediately grabs the stuffed Minion and smothers his face into it, giggling in delight. Are you going to stay and play with me, hyungie? he asks, eyes wide.

Taehyung Hoseok says, eyeing his tablet in warning.

Taehyung smiles tightly. Not much today, Jiminie. I have to go talk to adults today, he explains, rolling his eyes. Jimin screws his face up in matching annoyance.

Ew, he responds, hugging the minion tighter.

I know, right? Taehyung can feel Hoseok rolling his eyes behind him, though Hoseoks got his eyes trained down at his smartphone; no doubt sending some sort of email or arranging a meeting.

I came to say hi and make sure you wouldnt be lonely when I wasnt here.

He scoots one of the chairs in the room towards the edge of Jimins bed. Hes a little agitated. He hates the sterile smell of hospitals, the grating beeping of the heart monitor. Jimin has an IV catheter strapped to the veins on the top of his hands and it makes Taehyungs skin crawl with the phantom sensation of constant needles under his skin. The only thing that makes him feel more at ease is the Pikachu band-aid thats on top of the medical tape holding everything in place.

Thats a cool band-aid, Jiminie, Taehyung says and Jimins eyes disappear with the force of his smile.

Dr. Jeon gave it to me, he explains happily and Taehyungs heart lurches. Just a little bit.

Oh, did he?

Jimin nods excitedly. He has a whole box of them. Tomorrow he said hed bring me dinosaur ones!

Taehyung leans back. Wow, dinosaurs? He turns to Hoseok. Can we get some of those for the office? Hoseok snorts. He turns back to Jimin.

How are you feeling? Its not too boring here, right?

Jimin shakes his head vehemently. Its fun! Dr. Jeon always hangs out with me.


Yeah! I always ask him questions and he teaches me things! He lets me play with his stemscope!

Taehyung bites his lip, Stethoscope?

Jimin giggles. Oh yeah! And he told me about whales and dolphins and sharks. He has a huge book with all the fishes and stuff. Dr. Jeon knows everything.

He leans in, like hes about to tell a great secret. Hyungie, I think Dr. Jeon is a robot.

Taehyung cant hold back the laugh at that. Why do you say that?

He remembers everything! He has to be a computer or something! Remember that one movie we watched with all the robots and they knew all the answers to all the questions? Thats Dr. Jeon. He even knows why the sky is blue!

Taehyung opens his mouth to say something, but just then theres a knock on the door and Jeongguk strides in, looking down at the chart in his hand.

Hey Jimin, how are--, He stops in his tracks when he notices Taehyung and Hoseok in the room. He smiles at Hoseok, glancing shyly at Taehyung before walking over to the bed.

Hi, he says quietly, bringing his hand up as though to wave, but hesitates and ends up scratching behind his ear. The motion is so awkward and endearing Taehyung beams at him.

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