Sixty one

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Just a little while longer


The rest of the day passes by in a strange blur of domesticity. Taehyung helps Jeongguk make lunch (and doesnt set off the fire alarm), and they manage to be quite productive, even when half the time Jeongguk is stress sweating from having Taehyung so close.

Eventually, Jeongguk has to get up and get ready for work, and Taehyung has a conference call to make. Taehyung stays in his spot, typing away when Jeongguk gets up to go change. He's still there when Jeongguk comes out of his room half an hour later, fully dressed.

"Uh Taehyung?"


Jeongguk doesn't know why he hesitates. Doesn't know why the idea of Taehyung not being there, in his home, of making him leave, is such an uncomfortable thought. "Its uh.... Time for me to head to work."

Sometimes Jeongguk wonders whether it would be easier to revert back to anger, to sharp words and withering looks. At least then he wouldnt stutter all the time.

"Oh! Im so sorry, I totally forgot." But the sheepish look Taehyung gives him, the way he gathers his stuff quickly and the beautiful golden skin of his thighs peak out from under Jeongguks clothes, reminds Jeongguk that for the first time in as long as he can remember, his heart doesn't feel so heavy.

Jeongguk grips his leather bag tightly as he walks with Taehyung to the door, not quite ready to say goodbye. Taehyung makes the decision for him, stepping out quickly and heading for his own door, just a few feet away. He punches in the code and opens the door, before turning to smile at Jeongguk.

"Thanks for letting me hang out with you today," he says so sweetly, and Jeongguks chest tightens. "Sorry if I bothered you."

So many things had changed, in the course of a couple weeks. One of them being how easily an apology could slip past the tongue. And forgiveness, too.

Jeongguk shakes his head, adjust the strap of his back on his shoulder." You didnt. It was fine."


But Taehyung seems to understand what Jeongguk means, because he laughs, and the shine doesn't seem to leave his eyes. Im so fucking screwed.

"I'll -- I'll see you around then," Jeongguk says, managing a meek wave.

Taehyung smiles with his eyes. "I'll see you. Have a good day--" He catches himself and twists his face comically. "Night? Have a good night at work? Ive never said that to anyone before." He laughs. But yeah. Have a good night at work."

Jeongguk tries to smile, but it comes out a grimace. They both hesitate there, and Taehyungs eyes are hopeful. Jeongguk bites his lip. Suddenly the air feels like its suffocating him, so he turns to go.

But something holds him back. He stops in his tracks and turns around. "Tae--"

And thats all he gets to say, because Taehyung just drops his stuff at the doorway and runs right at him, flinging himself into Jeongguks arms and kissing the daylights out of him. Jeongguk makes a noise of surprise, scrabbling to hold Taehyung up, and somewhere along the way, his bag drops to the floor.

Taehyung is all tongue and teeth, desperation spilling out in a low moan and a sigh, and in the tremble of his fingertips as they tangle in Jeongguks hair. He cant help but kiss back, drinking Taehyung in, and all of his photographic memory can't compare to the sweetness of Taehyungs mouth, the sizzling in his blood, the loss of control when Taehyung bites his lip.

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