Say the Name

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One by One

"I like this song." Jeongguk says quietly, as Coldplay's 'Fix You' starts playing from Taehyung's phone.

"Me too," Taehyung smiles softly. They're sitting by the fountain in front of the school, shoulders brushing, thighs touching, under the guise of sharing headphones. Taehyung's driver is running a bit late, but for once Taehyung doesn't really mind, because it's that much more time he gets to spend with Jeongguk.

If innocence had a personification, it would be the way Jeongguk smells, sweet and soft. It was the way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the shy blush on his cheeks, his whispered words, and the warmth that bubbles in Taehyung's chest whenever he's around him.

Jeongguk's hand is right there, resting on his own thigh, and Taehyung mirrors the action. When he's sure Jeongguk isn't watching, he reaches his pinky out, and their fingers brush.

"Oh! Sorry." Jeongguk mumbles, jolting his hand away, and suddenly Taehyung's face is flushed hot with embarrassment.

"No, it's fine." Taehyung forces out a laugh. No it isn't. Jeongguk smiles sweetly, apologetically, and goes back to watching the music video play on Taehyung's phone. I want to hold your hand.

"Taehyung oppa!" a voice calls out, and Taehyung snaps his head up. He regrets it immediately.

"M-Minah," Taehyung stammers. The girl in front of him smirks, waving her hand as she notes Taehyung and Jeongguk's proximity.

"Taehyung?" Jeongguk murmurs from beside him, looking between him and Minah in confusion.

"I don't think we've met," Minah says, stepping closer and offering her hand to Jeongguk. The younger boy takes it hesitantly. "I'm Bang Minah, Taehyung's-"

"Jeongguk! The car is here!" Taehyung yelps, gripping Jeongguk's wrist and pulling him up.

"Sorry, Minah, but we have to go."

Jeongguk just lets himself get dragged, bowing apologetically to Minah as Taehyung attempts to flee.

"Maybe I'll see you around, Jeongguk!" Minah calls.
Not if I can help it , Taehyung resolves. It had been a nightmare when they were dating for the bet, and she had just become more and more spiteful after they had broken up. Taehyung was going to keep Jeongguk far away from her.


"Aren't you going to eat?" Seokjin asks, watching Jeongguk frown at his plate.

"Sorry what?" Jeongguk blinks up at him, and Seokjin tuts at him, shaking his head.

"The chef made this especially for you, when he heard we were coming. You should at least taste!" he scolds, and Jeongguk's lips tug up into a sheepish smile.

"Sorry, hyung. I've got a lot on my mind,"

Seokjin smiles knowingly, lifting the glass of wine slowly to his lips. "Don't you always?"

Jeongguk huffs a laugh, rolling his eyes, before picking up his knife and fork. For the five years that Seokjin had known Jeongguk, there had never been a moment when the younger man hadn't been consumed by his own thoughts.

Most lovers would have found that irritating.

Jeongguk was charming, handsome, and internationally reputable. But he couldn't keep a steady relationship.

Neither could Seokjin, though. He bounced from man to man, and none of them had cut it for him. He wanted an open, no-strings-attached relationship, which is what Jeongguk provided.

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