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Just A Game

"Best in the nation, Jeon Jeongguk!"

Taehyung calls out. The bell had rung a few moments ago, and students were fleeing out of the classroom, a flurry of chatter and rustling papers. Taehyung sticks back, leaning back in his chair, watching as the small boy stops in his tracks, turning around slowly. He points to himself, mouthing me? and Taehyung nods, swirling the lollipop around in his mouth.

"Come here." And Taehyung bites back a smile as the boy visibly gulps, shuffling nervously towards the back of the class where Taehyung usually sits.

"What the hell are you doing, Taehyung?" Yoongi hisses under his breath, packing up his books as Jeongguk approaches.

"Trying to make this hell hole more interesting," Taehyung smirks, taking the lollipop out of his mouth and motioning for the boy to come closer.

"You're good at chemistry, right?" Taehyung asks, voice honeyed, once the boy is standing a foot away from his desk, looking at him apprehensively. Jeongguk flushes, nodding once quickly before ducking his head.

Cute , Taehyung thinks. Jeongguks black hair flops over his forehead, some strands sticking up at odd angles. His cheeks are chubby and his front teeth stick out slightly past his lips, making him look a bit like a bunny. And hes quite tiny, being two years younger than the rest of his class.

Certified genius.

He'll do great things some day.

Taehyung points to the paper on his desk- the newly assigned homework for the class. " Explain this to me," he orders, and Jeongguk looks at him reproachfully.

"Uhm... " Jeongguk scoots closer to take a look at the problem, clutching his books tightly to his chest. He cranes his neck to read the paper, trying to stay as far away from Taehyung as possible, and its not an easy task. Yoongi shoots Taehyung a warning look, and Taehyung just winks, putting the lollipop back in his mouth.

"This is a basic light particle duality problem. You just need to plug in Planck's constant and the speed of light, divide it by lamba, which is the wavelength, and make sure you convert it to meters from nanometers. You can find the energy like that," Jeongguk rambles shakily, and Taehyung just nods, not absorbing any of the information, but smiling pleasantly.

"D-does that make sense?' Jeongguk asks shakily, voice cracking at the end, which makes his cheeks color in embarrassment.

"Oh, totally. Youre really good at explaining. You should tutor me some time, " Taehyung says casually, watching with pleasure as Jeongguk's expression flashes from bashful to shocked.

" M-me?" he squeaks. Taehyung laughs. Adorable.

"Theres no one else around, is there?" Taehyung motions at the empty classroom. Jeongguks eyes dart around, looking at Yoongi for a moment before his eyes widen and drop to the floor.

"I... I dont know if Im the right person to tutor you There are a lot of really good... "

" But youre the best in the nation, Jeongguk. Youre the most qualified person to tutor me," Taehyung insists. He rolls the lollipop around on his tongue, dragging his eyes down Jeongguks small frame appraisingly. I only want the best, he adds for good measure, and Jeongguks face turns a deep red.

"Uhmm... " He fidgets.

" Give me your phone number, Ill text you sometime, and we can get together when you're free."

Jeongguk keeps his head down, and mumbles unintelligibly.

"What? " Taehyung asks. Jeongguk takes a deep breath.

" I dont... have a..... phone..."he mutters, voice almost pained, and terribly embarrassed.

Taehyung aah 's in understanding. Jeongguk is on scholarship, so he's poor. He wouldn't have a phone.

"Thats fine. You just let me know when you have some time, and I'll clear my schedule for you," Taehyung says.

Jeongguk peeks up at Taehyung as if this is all some bizarre dream. He lets out a shaky breath, and nods slightly. " Okay."

Taehyungs face feels like its going to split from how much hes grinning. " Fantastic! Ill see you tomorrow then."

Jeongguk just nods again. He shoots Yoongi a wary glance before whipping around and almost tripping out of the classroom. Taehyung keeps the bright smile on his face until the door slams shut, and then it drops into a smirk.

"Taehyung, I hope youre not pulling the shit you did with Minah last year," Yoongi warns.

Taehyung waves his hand dismissively in the air.

"Relax, hyung. Its all just a game."


Love yourself, Love myself, Peace.

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