🦇56🦇 Murder a Couple

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The hour is 8pm and I finally hear Black Beauty coming down the road, along with Layne's classic Dark Blue 68 Dodge Charger.

Layne pulls up driving my car, Mike and Hoon are in his car, with Mike driving.

Took you long enough Layne, I tell him as I give him a hug.

Hey you should know why!!!

I do I'm just messing with you.

How did black beauty behave?

Oh she's good, she purred all throughout the night.

Oh yeah, what did y'all do after y'all left here from Bowie's?

Oh you know, murder a couple of people after draining their blood, since we're Vamps.

Would you like a jar of flies to go into that mouth of yours Lana?

Without realizing it I guess I did have my mouth open, upon hearing Layne's answer.

Of course the curiosity in me kicks in and I ask if that's really what they did?

It's not entirely untrue,  sometimes we do have to kill people, I make it a rule to not kill innocent people.

What do you mean by that Layne?

For example, when I feed off of someone I can see all of their past, and whether they have done any wrong to anyone.

Have you fed off someone that's done wrong?

Yes I have.

What did you see if I may ask?

One time I bit this man that I saw molesting his 7 year old daughter and was also abusing her. I could feel the little girls fear, pain and see her cries at night.

So you killed him?

Oh yeah I ripped his jugular to pieces. There was no way in hell I was gonna let that mother fucked live, knowing the shit I knew.

If I would have let him live, he would of gone on terrorizing that little girl for life.

If they're innocent what do you do with them?

Oh that's the fun part and easy part, I would just trance them into thinking we're having a really good conversation.

So they forget and don't suspect anything?

They don't remember and don't suspect a thing.

What about the bite mark?

They heal pretty fast if we lick the wound.

Vampirism heals quickly even if we don't lick it.

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