🦇63🦇 Kurt's Death Date

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Just like a flood taking over land, old memories started playing like movies in my head.

This is the part of my life I wish I could forget, but I can't.

The day was April 5, 1994 my friend and I bought so much heroin and why not? I had enough money for it.

My friend left and I was home alone left with all the drugs. Shooting up my veins.

At first it felt like a dream, I had no idea that I had physically left earth.

Back in 1991 I would have these vivid dreams about Robert aka the tall one, visiting me, haunting me even.

He would say things like Kobain I'll be seeing you soon.

The Tall One would be engulfed in flames and not burning up at all.

When I had made the deal back on New years Eve 1989, I was drunk in my bedroom, chanting a song out loud, strumming my guitar.

The song went I'll sell my soul for fame and fortune, for my band to be the biggest in the world, please someone help me.

Of course no one ever thinks when you say shit like that it's going to happen.

Out of the brown dresser mirror Robert walks through the glass mirror without it breaking, shattering, or making any noise at all.

I thought I was hallucinating when I saw that.

The Tall One asked you called KOBAIN? and of course I was dressed in my black Hanes cotton t-shirt with some plaid boxers.

I'm stunned silenced how did he know my name? My drunken state seeping out of me fast.

I simply ask, who are you?

Robert wearing all black, a whiskey glass in one hand, guitar in the other, just like now answered.

My name is Robert Johnson but folks that know me call me The Tall One.

The Tall One?

Yes sir Kobain for obvious reasons, but the main thing you need to know is that I'm the one that can make all your dreams come true.

In response to that I chuckled and laughed. The Tall One wasn't having that his words were " fine don't take me seriously I'll just go with someone else that wants it more than you."

I told him wait, how could you make my dreams come true?

He pulls out a paper that at the time was not glowing in color at all and a pen. It's easy peasy 123 all you have to do is sign the dotted line. Your full name Kurt Donald Kobain.

Are you serious? All I have to do is sign the dotted line.

Yes Sir Just like that!!!

Alright give me the damn pen so I can sign. Right after I signed it the paper glowed white, glowing like if you were to put a flashlight under a blank sheet of notebook paper.

It caught my attention, but I didn't dwell on it to much at the time.

Little by little, stuff started happening for us like I found a drummer that was fucking amazing, Dave Grohl.

Then things started happening pretty fast after that. We toured more in the states and out of the country.

When nevermind hit, we didn't even know how big it had become till we came home driving our beat up van and homeless.

In Utero was recorded and that was great but by the time MTV unplugged was performed, I was just burnt out. Music wasn't doing it for me anymore.

I was slipping from life wanting it to be over, and on April 5 1994 it finally did happen.

I finally fucking died!!!

Just like that, I'm always contradicting myself I wanted to live still. When it happened I was between heaven and hell.

On one side it was paradise, with colors that are not even from this world.

On the other side it was just a dark void, the nothingness.

Then The Tall One came and said" I told you I would see you soon BOY!!!"

I told him wait I'm not ready to die yet there must be something I can do to still be living.

That's when The Tall One said maybe BOY, but I cannot bring you back to life you signed the dotted line back in 1989.

Perhaps I could do something with a gleeful smile he said !!!

Please do I asked with tears in my eyes.

I was crying because for one I was scared, and two I really wanted to still live.

I'll do anything please let me live!!!

Fine I'll let you live, well not really be alive, but you'll be alive.

Do you catch my drift BOY?

No what do you mean?

I will make you an Immortal Entity, aka an Vampire.

You will have to do some basic stuff for yourself to live of course, like drink blood from humans.

The most important thing that you'll be doing for me is bringing me souls by eating them.

Eating them?

Yes well not eating like cannibalism, just think of it as sipping soup from a bowl. What you ingest transfers to me.

That's it ? That's all I have to do?

Yes BOY, now I'll be counting on you to do this. Before I forget there are some things that you have to stay away from.

What is it?

They are known as the three S's.
Sun, Silver, and Sanctuaries aka Church's.
These things could be deadly to your kind.

If you don't do what you are told I'll have my man over there bring you to me and I can assure you that you do not want that type of visit!!!

The man that he was talking about turned out to be Huddie Leadbetter aka Leadbelly.

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