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{Emery Adams}

I woke up feeling great, it was still dark outside but the sun was going to rise any second so I rush to the roof

As I make it there, the first streak of light comes up on the horizon

I smile, I always admired nature and the cycle of it, I've also been a big fan of space, it is very interesting, that's one reason why I'm taking astrophysics in college right now

Another reason is because my oldest brother, he took astrophysics and became very successful, and I'm following his steps, I wanna be like him

The sun rose slowly, illuminating every building and every room that faced it

I hear the door open behind me, who would be up so early?

I turn my head just a bit to see it was Daniel

I sigh and turn back to the sun, that's the real beauty here right now

I feel a presence right next to me, knowing its Daniel, I don't have to turn

"You like watching the sunrise?" He asks lowly

I nod

"Do you do this every day?"

I turn to him and nod once again

He stares at me for a moment before turning his gaze back to the, now bright sky

"I'm gonna go back in now," I say and walk away from Daniel

4 hours later

Everyone had already eaten breakfast and was just sitting on the couch watching whatever was on the TV

Anna was seated next to me trying to think of something that we could do

"We should go to the beach!" She says more to me than the rest

"Oh My God, Yes!" I agreed
"We could leave at 10," she asks

I nod and look at the time
9:35 pm

I run upstairs and start looking for my bathing suit and the things I need for the Beach

30 minutes later

We were currently in my car, headed to the beach

It was Anna, Daniel, and me
He decided to come last minute

Anna and Daniel sang along to Talk by Khalid

I laughed as Anna started dancing weirdly

"Is that the beach?!?" Anna yelled pointing towards it

I nodded

They came from Portland but I didn't think they'd be that surprised to see the beach in L.A

As I parked my car Anna couldn't stop gushing over the view making me laugh a little too much

Step Brother // D.J.SWhere stories live. Discover now