T H I R T Y - T H R E E

817 22 11

Emery Addams

I was currently finishing taking a bath when there was a knock on my door

I wrap the towel around my body and go to open the door to see Anna

"Hey, you need anything?" I ask

"What happened between you and Daniel?" She asked

"What do you mean?"

"He told me last night was magical, and you were with him, so tell me what happened?" She asked excitedly

"All I can really say is that it was indeed Magical" I sighed happily

I looked up and saw Daniel smiling at me from the other side of the room

"But I wanna know what happened!" Anna pouted

"Ask Daniel" I chuckle
"But he said to ask you!" She huffed

"Well, then too bad," I say

I look up again and saw Daniel walk away

"Damn it!" Anna said and left my room

I put on clothes and headed on downstairs

"Oh Em! I was wondering if you wanted to come with me and Daniel to Walmart?" Keri asked

"Oh yes, I need to buy something," I say

"Great! We're leaving in a few so be ready, also Daniel, can you get my phone, it's in my room" Keri said

I turn and see Daniel on the stairway

I walk past him and up to my room and put on some shoes

I had some shorts on and an oversized shirt, it was jonah's

I grabbed my bag and as I was walking down the hall, I bumped into Daniel

"My bad," I say and walk past him

Everything was cool between us, Earlier today we talked it out and it won't be awkward

"Ready to go?" Keri asked as we walked downstairs

"Yes Ma'am," I say
"Let's go!" Keri said

"Shotgun" Daniel said as he walked next to me

"Yeah okay" I chuckled
He smiled and got into the car


As Keri went to get what she wanted, we decided to go to the toy aisle

"Why are we here again?" Daniel asked

"Cause this is the best aisle in the whole store, duh"

Daniel chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder

"Should we get a board game?" I asked Daniel

"Yeah, but I'm gonna end up winning" He smirks

"Yeah in your dreams!" I said poking his stomach

"Emery?" A familiar voice said
I turned to see Jonah with... Alexis?

"Hey Jonah, hey Alexis," I said waving at them

Daniel's grip on me tightened for some reason

"What are you doing here?" Daniel asked

"Just looking around, Alexis asked me to bring her here," Jonah said pointing at Alexis

I could tell Daniel felt uncomfortable

"Well it was nice seeing you guys, we're gonna go get a board game and go find mom," I say and leave the aisle

As we entered the board game aisle Daniel looked down at me

"Why would they be together?" Daniel asked

"What do you mean?" I say turning to him

"Alexis gets with everyone, what if he's with her?" Daniel said

"They probably are just looking for something" I shrugged

"But isn't Jonah your boyfriend? He committed a mistake if he did sleep with her while he was with you" Daniel said getting overprotective

"We committed a mistake too," I say looking up at him

"No princess, what we did wasn't a mistake," Daniel said and kept walking

That made me feel something

"So what game are we getting?" He asked wrapping his arms around my waist

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