S I X T Y - E I G H T

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Emery Addams

Christmas break didn't go as expected, Daniel, Anna, Christian, Keri and I decided to stay in a hotel for Christmas, Tyler decided not to and as for dad, Keri and him are not on good terms

Currently, I laid in one bed waiting for midnight to strike so we could open presents

"Look! It's snowing!" Anna said excitedly

I look outside and it was snowing, for the first time in a while

I stood up and walked out on the balcony, the others came out as well

Arms wrapped around my waist and I smile

"Let's go to the roof" Daniel whispered in my ear

"Let's go" I grin

"We'll be back," Daniel said and pulled me out of the hotel room

"Daniel, we didn't bring our Jackets" I giggle

"It's fine, I'll warm you up" He grins
I chuckle as we get into the elevator

When we make it to the roof, Daniel pulls me to the corner of the building and let me tell you, it was beautiful

You could see the city lights and the snow made it so much better

"It's so pretty" I mumble
"Mhm, I know you are"

I turn to him with a small smile

He pulls me into his arms and kisses me

"Merry Christmas Bubs" He mumbles against my lips

I check the time, it was midnight!

"Merry Christmas" I smile, connecting our lips again

The night went on, we all opened our presents and everyone was pretty shocked with what they got

Keri seemed happier and that made me happy, everyone just seemed better

"Daniel! Look!" Anna said pointing above Daniel

He looked up to see a mistletoe
He chuckled and looked over at me

I stood up and walked in front of him, pulling him closer till his lips were on mine

Everyone started cheering and laughing, and I can say that we were really happy

"I think I may have to end up marrying this girl, mom," Daniel said pulling away

My eyes widen when he dropped down on one knee

"Are you serious?" I said
"Huh? Oh no, just tying my shoe"

I let out a breath I was holding in

"You don't have shoes on, Daniel" Christian chuckled

He smiled looking up at me and pulled out a small box which made me hold my breath again

"Oh my goodness..." You could hear Keri say

"Emery Addams, will you marry me?" He said opening the small box to reveal a beautiful ring

I was so shocked that I couldn't speak for a second, was this actually happening, or is this all a dream?

I looked up at Anna and she was smiling brightly, she knew about this, didn't she?

Looking back down at Daniel, I bit my lip and nodded, still not being able to speak

He smiled and put the ring on my finger, quickly standing up and engulfing me in a hug

"Oh my god! My baby is getting married!" Keri cheered

"I love you Em" Daniel mumbles

"I love you"


Nah im just playing with your feelings, its not over yet

I wanna thank all of you for 68K views, you all really motivate me to keep writing these stories cause ngl, at first I was gonna delete this story, so I wanna thank every single one of you, especially the ones who kept cheering me on, Love you guys💖

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