2.20 - I won't say good-bye

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"Are you ready?" Nathan asked as we grabbed all our bags and were planning on leaving to his father's house.

I nodded in response to his question and he gave me a smile which I returned.

"Come on then." He spoke as he intertwined my fingers with his and led me out of the hotel room. Nathan checked out of the hotel soon enough as I waited in the car.

"So you leave tonight?" I asked him, my voice trembling with every word.

"Yes." He spoke as he buckled his seat belt in.

"And when will you return?" I asked.

"If all goes well, tomorrow night." He replied calmly.

"And if all doesn't go well?" I asked, trying my best not to breakdown.

"Cara, stop worrying." He sighed as he placed his hand over mine. "They can't take me down that easily!" He laughed, trying to lighten the mood. I gave him a small smile which he returned before pecking my cheeks.

"I promise, everything will be alright." He said and I nodded.

"I have faith in you!" I whispered and he smiled.


He then started the engine and pulled out of the car park. The rest of the ride was spent in silence and me thinking about what was left for us in the future. Nathan was taking the biggest risk of his life by running into a possible trap set by my father. If anything were to ever happen to Nathan, I knew my life would end shortly as well. His father and his sister could protect me, but I'm sure they have better things to do in life. I was just another lonely, peasant-like figure constantly being a huge burden to them. I'm sure they would have much important people to tend to.

I started feeling the emptiness. The emptiness of being alone in this world. Even with the people around you, you feel like nobody gives two damns about your existence. As much as you try to block the pain out, it keeps fighting it's way back in only to only touch the place where it hurts the most - the heart!

My eyes were getting cloudy and everything around me froze for a moment. It was so insane. The world that I lived in. The rivalry, the hate, the war! Why was it so hard to find peace? So hard to find love in this small world that we lived in? People tend to forget who they really are when they see all the money and success. It blinds them to a level where they think they are invincible. That was the only logical explanation to my father's actions. He probably thought he was the most powerful man under the sun because of the paper that he possessed in ample quantity. Little did he know, that wealth was far beyond money. He probably didn't realise that he would feel worthless once it all left him. Taking valuable lives turned into child's play to him.

He didn't realise how fickle all these things were. It was much like he forgot where he stood in this world. It is almost too late when people realise how much they lose in this world by the means of getting fame and power. It takes so much more from you than it gives.

But Nathan was different. He had all the money, his father was such a well known figure in our little town. But he didn't put that over his family or his friends. He didn't use that as a reason to go against the ones who truly loved him. Maybe other factors did affect him and pushed him to do things that he normally wouldnt. But Nathan had a pure heart and I could see that now.

He made me happy and that was all that mattered to me.


We reached sooner than I wanted us to. His father and sister were waiting at the door to greet us but that didn't cheer me up either. It just reminded me how much near the end I was. Nathan gave me a half smile before getting out of the car. I followed shortly and watched as his father hugged him lovingly. If only words could express how much I missed that.

Hearts Can Heal || Nathan SykesWhere stories live. Discover now