3.3 - I need the ending

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I stared at my face in the mirror for a good five minutes. I had dark circles under my eyes and the rest of it was such as pale as a dead person. It wouldn't take a genius to realise that I wasn't in my best place. I reached for my make up pouch in my cabinet and looked for some liquid foundation. I squirted a good amount on the back of my hand before grabbing a brush and dabbing it in there.

'And when it rains
On this side of town it touches
Just say it again and mean it
We don't miss a thing'

I sang as I began putting my make up on. Sometimes, singing just let me push out all my in built feelings.

'You made yourself a bed
At the bottom of the blackest hole
And convinced yourself that it's not the reason
You don't see the sun anymore'

I grabbed one of my eye shadow palettes before deciding the colours I wanted to use on my face. I then grabbed my brushes and started doing my smokey eye.

'And when it rains
Will you always find an escape?
Just running away
From all of the ones who love you
From everything'

I tried my best not to break apart and cry knowing that I will ruin my make up master piece. Staying strong had turned into one of my biggest challenges these days.

'And oh, oh, how could you do it?
Oh I, I never saw it coming
Oh, oh, I need the ending
So why can't you stay just long enough to explain?'

I sang as I drew on my winged eye liner. I carried onto my finishing touches to the face and ended it with some lip stick. I thought I looked acceptable for Nathan's big party and I felt a little more confident with my concealed sadness.

I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out my black lace dress. I also chose a good pair of underwear before pulling it on. I sprayed some deodorant on my before pulling the dress on. I left my hair to its natural look and checked myself out in the mirror. To my surprise, I didn't look as bad as I thought it would be.

I grabbed my purse and car keys before heading down stairs. Angela was reading a book on the couch and she looked over her glasses when she saw me.

"Cara! Darling, you look beautiful!" She commented with a smile.

"Thanks!" I blushed. "Let's hope my boyfriend will think so too!" I giggled.

"I am sure he will!" She smiled genuinely.

"Right. Don't wait up for me." I told her as I headed for the door.

"Be careful." Was the last thing she said before I left.

I walked over to my car and unlocked it with my keys before getting in. I was a little weary about driving to Nathan's place as I haven't driven in a while. I normally just chose to walk to university no matter how long the distance was. I took a deep breath before revving up the engine and pulling out of my car park.

The drive to Nathan's house was much longer than I anticipated it to be. Since this was the first time I was driving to his place, I was also a little scared that I would get lost. But luckily that did not happen. I stopped right outside his house and noticed all the bright lights and masses of people walking into his humble abode. I didn't realise his father had invited literally the whole town of London. I slowly got out of my car after grabbing my purse and started walking in through the gate. To my dismay, Nathan was nowhere to be seen. But then I spotted a familiar face and she smiled back at me.

"Hey! Cara, I hope you remember me. I am Kelsey!" She spoke warmly.

"Oh yes, I do! How are you?" I asked kindly.

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