1.11 - Mum

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The next morning, I woke up feeling safe and happy. My head was rested on Nathan's bare chest as his arms were protectively wrapped around me. His chest was rising slightly, before falling as he took steady breaths. I kissed his chest softly, not willing to wake him up. He started stirring as his eyes blinked open. He looked down at me and smiled before pecking my lips softly.

"Morning." He said softly.

"Morning." I replied as I sat up. I grabbed my clothes and slowly started slipping them back on. Nathan's phone started ringing and he frantically searched his pockets to find it. He rushed out of the room to answer it, even though he was only half clothed.

Once I was done, I walked out of the room, to not find Nathan. I decided to make us some breakfast, as I was starving. I didn't want a repeat of passing out due to lack of 'sustenance' as Nathan would say.

After a while, Nathan walked back into the kitchen with his cocky smirk back on his face. Oh dear, was I going to regret what was coming next.

"So, last night was gooooooooood." He commented and I gave him a small smile. His behaviour had changed. He was acting like a jerk once again. "So it really wasn't that hard to get you shivering under me, like you were yesterday." He chuckled.

I slammed the plate on the table and looked at him angrily.

"Someone's feisty." He giggled.

"What is the matter with you? Why are you acting different?" I asked him.

"Different? This is what I'm normally like babe." He said huskily as he stepped closer to me and grabbed me by the waist. He bent his head down to kiss my neck but I pushed him away. He just chuckled and winked at me.

"I thought you cared.." I trailed off.

"What makes you think I don't?" He asked as he grabbed an apple and took a bite off it.

"The fact that you're being a total jerk to me, all over again!"

"Look, I don't want to go into your emotional drama again. I may have faked a few things to get some stuff off you. But don't be upset babe. You're the best shag I've ever had." He winked and I felt my heart breaking all over again.

How could I have been so gullible? How could I let him do this to me?

I turned around and walked out of the kitchen, not wanting him to see me upset. I didn't want him to know that he was winning. But he pulled me back by the waist.

"Sweetie, the offer for my next 'fuck-buddy' is still open." He whispered huskily into my ear. I turned around, and slapped him with all the force I could. He was angry at first, but then his expression turned hurt and sad, like he would never expect me to do that.

"You're a liar, and a betrayer. And you live among liars and betrayers. You sleep with girls because to you they are just objects that can please your manly needs." I cried as I pushed him back.

"I'm not afraid of people like you. And I'm not afraid to confess that, YES, I did have feelings for you a second ago, but you just showed me who you truly are!" I spat at his face.

"How dare you touch me?" He whispered as he held his cheek.

"It's nothing compared to the pain you have caused me this whole time." I replied.

"You think you, YOU, being the filthy female you are, have the right to hit me? Who the fuck do you think you are?" He pounced on me as he grabbed my neck and pushed me against the wall.

"You're just some stupid girl, who is the biggest attention seeker I've ever met. All you do is cry, complain and cry some more! You think you're having a bad time here, but in reality I could be out with my friends, but I'm stuck here taking care of you." He said angrily, squeezing me tighter. I was not choking my air and he didn't seem to bother.

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