3.13 - Close Ones

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I laid on my bed for a few hours hoping that sleep would finally hit me. But my brain was too worked up. By the sounds and movements heard from Nathan's room, I guessed that he was awake too. All I wanted to do was barge into his room and apologize for all the insensitive words that I spewed out. But I couldn't. I had no more courage or will power left in me.

My eyes were slowly beginning to give in and I was overtaken by my dreams. Dreams of a better ending than this.

It was that white room again. Where I had previously seen darker things. I felt so weak, so defeated by the evil in this world.

My father, Uncle Terry, they weren't good people with good intentions. They wanted power, money, forced respect. And fear made people inevitably respect them or bow down to their cruel ways.

The only light in my life was that green eyed boy.

I saw him walk towards me just as I had first seen him. He was so perfect in my world of darkness.

He smiled as he sat down next to me.

"Cara. It will be over one day. We can be happy." He spoke with hope.

"You're my dream." I told him with disappointment.

"I'm much more than that." He said with a slight laugh at the end.

"When all of this ends, we can be together." He added as he put his hands in mine.

"I love you. I'll love you forever, Cara." He whispered as he slowly started fading away. His body started turning into ashes and the dust blew into the opposite direction.

"No. No no." I cried as I tried to get him back but everything turned dark.

"Noooo" I screamed as I woke up.

I was breathing heavily as I sat up on my bed. All these dreams were beginning to make me feel sick to my stomach.

I harshly pushed the sheets off of my sweaty body before getting off the bed and walking to my bathroom. Without a second thought, I stripped off my clothes and walked into the shower. I didn't even bother adjusting the heat. All I wanted was to wash off the thoughts that were eating my brain, if that were even possible.

Once I was done, I changed into some new clothes before heading downstairs. Nathan was already sat there and he looked like he was about to leave. Every part of my body urged to stop him but I couldn't. I was too overridden by guilt.

He saw me and stood up before walking over to me.

"I'll be back in a few hours. Do not leave the house." He said with a soft tone. Even though he was ordering me, his voice clearly showed that it was only to protect me.

"I will." I replied before he turned to head to the door. I followed him and watched him walk to his car.

"Nathan." I called after him. He turned around at once and waited for me to continue.

"I wanted to go somewhere for a few hours. It's not far from here-"

"It's not safe." He cut me off.

"I know. I was wondering if you wanted to come along." I asked and he looked rather surprised. After an uncomfortable pause he nodded his head.

I followed him to his car and got into the passenger seat. We took off from there soon after.

I gave him the directions to the place where I wanted to be. It was the only place that would give me some relief from everything happening around me. It was my dead mother's grave.

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