Epilogue | Book 1

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*One month later*

My father and I continued to argue since the day I got back about why I wasn't letting the police capture Nathan. I refused to confess that he was the one who planned my disappearance.

"Cara, that animal is still roaming the streets. One month back it was you who he kidnapped, but tomorrow it's going to be someone else! Please realise what you're doing!" He exclaimed as he shook my shoulder. I completely understood his concern for me, but I could never let Nathan into any kind of danger. Not after everything he has done for me.

"Nathan didn't take me daddy."

"STOP LYING!" He raged, and god have I never seen him this angry before. I wanted to know what the past between the Sykes and the Fosters were. It was starting to eat me alive because I was seeing a whole new face of my father.

"Daddy, I'm being serious. Do you trust me?" I asked him and he sighed. He brought his hand to my face and stroked my cheek. "Please let it go daddy. Drop the police case. Nathan has nothing to do with this." I told him and he pulled me into a hug.

"What if he takes you away from me again?" My father asked as he stroked my cheek.

"Nothing will take me away from you dad. Not Nathan, not anyone." I assured him and he held me tighter, never wanting to let me go. He then kissed the top of my head and pulled away.

"I'm only doing this for you." He said as he pulled his phone out and I guessed that he was dropping the case. I smiled at him and walked out of his room letting him do his job.

I was trying to build my old life back. 2 days ago, I resumed my university course. I had to do a whole semester again as I missed 2 months of it. Even though I was trying to have a happier outlook in life, my heart was still not the same and my mind was always elsewhere. I was waiting for the day where I would wake up and see him standing outside my door, ready to take me away again. But I knew that day would never come.

I tried calling back that number a million times but it has always been switched off. I tried finding out about him from so many places, but it was almost like he was a ghost. Nobody knew anything about him.

I had soon given up looking for him. I couldn't keep hurting myself any further. It was time for me to move on and find something new to focus on. Maybe falling in love wasn't really my thing. And who are we kidding, it wasn't Nathan's thing either. Nathan was the 'bad dude' with the 'attitude'. We both were a combination of fire and water. We could never go together.

You think it's the end of one life... but one end.. is the start of a new beginning.


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