1.22 - War that's already been won

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The darkness of the tunnel soon came to an end after we were exposed to the light. Nathan helped me up from the ground and that was when I realised how much blood had already flowed down his bullet wound. His shirt was stained with his blood and I could barely look at it.

"Nathan, you've done enough to protect me! Please stop." I cried as he clutched his hand to stop the pain.

"No. I need to get you away!" He groaned, not even able to stand straight.

"Please stop Nath.." I whispered as he fell to his knees and looked at me with red eyes.

"I need you to promise me something." He started and I kneeled down with him, listening intently. "I need you to go and find the road and get a taxi and go back home!" He told me.

"Nathan!" I gasped. "I'm not leaving you!"

"Cara! Please-"

"NO! I'M NOT LEAVING YOU!" I shouted as tears flowed down my eyes as well.

"I can take care of myself Cara! You need to go to your father! Now!" He grunted further. I moved closer to him and tried to divert him from the pain. I softly stroked his face and he looked up at me and smiled through his pain.

"I love you Cara. Never forget that!" He said as he leaned forward and pushed his lips against mine. He pulled away sooner than I wanted him to and let out a shaky breath.

"GO!" He whispered and I shook my head as I cried further.

"Cara please!" He begged. "I promise, I'll come back for you! But you have to go for now!"

"You promise?"

"Baby, I promise." He whispered as he held my hand and gave it a small squeeze. He then brought it to his mouth and kissed it.

"Go." He whispered again. I placed my hands on his cheek and sobbed, knowing that I had to listen to him anyway. "GOOO CARA!!" He shouted in pain. I stood up swiftly and wiped the tears off my face. He stood up soon after and pulled me by the waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him passionately, knowing it would be last time I could ever do that.

"If you don't come back for me, I WILL come back for you." I told him as I pulled away. He smirked at me and rubbed his nose with mine.

"My girl." He whispered as he pecked my cheek. He then pushed me away and pointed to the direction that would lead me to the road. By now his blood was all over my shirt as well. I hugged him one last time before kissing his cheek and slowly backing away. He looked at me painfully and my eyes started tearing up as well.

'I love you' he mouthed to me, before slowly turning around and going back in the direction of the house.

I turned around as well and walked away as I weeped not being able to see him again, hold him again, hear him say that he loves me. But did I love him too? If I didn't, why was this hurting so much. My heart was hurting knowing that he was in pain and I could do nothing to soothe him. All I wanted to do was turn back around and go find him and help him through this time. But I couldn't do any of that.

Soon the deserted road met my eyes. I walked down it hoping to find a taxi that would take me home. But that seemed like it was never going to happen for a while. I kept walking with my tear stained face, and blood stained shirt. Soon I came to a more crowded road, and a little cab caught my eyes. The driver's eyes widened as he saw me.

"Miss, are you OK?" He asked as he stepped out.

"No. Could you please take me home?" I asked and he nodded.

"But wait." I said before he could get in. "I don't have any money on me." I said as realisation hit me.

"What's you name dear?" He asked me.

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