3.7 - All we know

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'All we know is falling, it falls. Remember how 'cause I know that we won't forget at all'

I laid on my bed after leaving Nathan's place. I could not justify myself if I stayed back there after all that he had put me through. As much as I wanted to see his point of view, I just couldn't understand how he loses his humanity when a little pressure was put to his life. I understood that his grief after he lost his mother made him do unreasonable things. But he was way past that point now. He was just doing things without any regard for the other person's feelings.

Have I not lost a bunch of people I cared about for him?

He could be so selfish at times and it breaks my heart to admit how resentful I felt towards him for what he did. I know that he was hurting just as much as I was. But that is no reason to ill-treat another. He acted like a lost child at times and I could not guide him around everytime he stumbled. And neither did Nathan ever make an attempt to correct himself. Everytime somthing upsetted him, he would surpress the nice side of his heart and bring out the worst in his character.

I let these dark thoughts reside at the back of my head whilst I tried to get some sleep. I loved Nathan so much with everything I had. He was the first person to make me fall in love so dearly, so purely and so truly. And I knew that nothing or nobody could ever change how I felt for him because I had already fallen too far.

Too far to bring about my own inevitable fate.


I woke up the next day with Angela walking into my room. I squinted my eyes and looked at her making her giggle.

"Morning, sleepyhead." She greeted. "Didn't see you coming in next day. Is Nathan okay?" She asked and I nodded.

"What's wrong, love? You look a little down?" She asked and I just shook my head, indicating that I would rather not talk about it. She got the hint and gave me a half smile before leaving me alone.

I reached over to my side table to fetch my phone and noticed that I had a couple of missed calls from Nathan on there. I sighed before pushing my head back into my pillow. I wanted to forgive him so badly but I can't just let him know that he can keep beating me around whenever he felt like.

I took another deep breath before getting off the bed. I pushed the curtains open, letting the rare sunlight enter my now depressing room. I grabbed some clothes from my wardrobe before walking into the bathroom and doing whatever was necessary.

Once I was completely ready, I stepped back out and started rummaging through my room to gather my items for university. I looked for one of my notebooks and could not find it anywhere.

"I think it's in the drawer of your side table." A voice spoke from the door, startling me in the process. I looked at him for a split second before ignoring his presence and walking over to my sidetable where I found the book I was looking for.

"Please forgive me, Cara." He spoke as he stepped inside my room.

"You can't just break me and try to fix me just because you know you can." I mumbled before realising that it didn't even make sense.

"I was stupid. I am so sorry." He said with a genuine glint of sorrow in his eyes.

"Well, this is the millionth time you've done that! And this time it will take a bit more than just a 'sorry' for me to forgive you." I told him as I tried to get away from him. But he held onto my arm and pulled me back.

"I'll do anything for you to know how regretful I am for everything I said last night." He spoke whilst my phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a text message from Jake and I saw a hint of jealousy in Nathan's eyes making me smirk inside.

Hearts Can Heal || Nathan SykesWhere stories live. Discover now