🏰 ep.1 🏰

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In most cases, precious souls never get to choose thier fate, write their own story. Prince or princess, both are respectfully privileged. They can do as wanted, change laws and behead others.

Now, low-end civilians would do anything for their power, their attention. Jeon Jungkook was a boy who doubted all rightful system ways. Eventually...he was casted away without a reason to be known. This young male questioned the ways and got consequences. The slightest actions can be shown to your King's disapproval, thus taking away your power in the snap of a finger.

The chapter begins here, a magical place he hoped to be safe. This abandoned prince still lived selfless upon all obstacles. He ask one thing, that you look into his story and see what it has to offer. The story he tried to change when things proved to go haywire. The story in which he didnt exspect his life to change after such a downfall.

Jungkook P.O.V

I've been here for about a month now. The Kim palace. My new job and now home. I'm starting to learn my way around the new kingdom, since this place is really big it takes a while to get adjusted. I work as a maid. I know, silly isn't it? Funny how it all started.

Yes, my dad doesn't like me but this is honestly so crazy. Who sends their son to another kingdom just because you don't like them? He didn't even give me a good reason it was just, "Leave and never return." Those words stick with me even till now, make me resent his very being.

There isn't a thing I can do now, only to carry on as if nothing ever happened. As if I wasn't a prince, a reserved one at that. Currently, I just started my job, broom in one hand. It's quite early, 7:04 am to be exact. Things in this castle have a set function and all procedures must be followed. Even if I wanted to sleep in, I would lose my one and only job so no sleep will have to do. The fact I got a palace position is quite surprising, other rumored 'forgotten princes' ended up in villages or farms in the middle of no where. Even if a maid isn't ideal, I'm still thankfully to be here nonetheless.

I will say, I've heard some of the maids gossip about the prince here. Kim Taehyung I think that was his name? I never eavesdrop or honestly pay attention to surrounding conversations but hearing that one name repeatedly you seem to remember it. I've seen girls scream at just the mention of his name, its insane. At my home no one did that with me, nobody even screamed when my almighty brother was called. How is this prince any different from the thousands out there?

I shake off the thought as I make my way around the grounds. I smiled at how cozy this castle makes me feel, It gives off better vibes then my old rundown, scary kingdom...even though I know the reality. Some things aren't seen right away and better off behind close doors.

I continued walking down the hallways with milky white walls and velvet carpet below, seeing shiny lights and occasional flowers littered across the walls. I make it into each corridor and can't help but admire the design as I clean the floors.

When I exit the steps to the first level, the sun was shining beautifully, reflecting off my face in a warm feeling. I smell the morning dew and feel the calming winds coming through the open windows. I felt at peace, but I knew it wouldn't last long. This Kingdom has a lot to offer but other aspects aren't as welcoming. I step outside through the lustrous platinum door, feeling more of the morning breeze.

Since I'm outside now, I carry on sweeping the patterned tile floor. I begin to think about my mother...how I miss her so much. At least she wasn't a monster like my father.

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