🏰 ep.14 🏰

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Here is another ep. This is mainly Namjin so if you dont really ship I guess dont read🤷🏻‍♀️ But if you chose not to do so you might not understand future chapters.

Author P.O.V

While Taehyung was busy at the ball and Jungkook spending time with Yuna, this left Seokjin alone for the evening. All guards were on duty watching tonight's event so the doctor didnt suspect anyone to be visiting.

Jin sat on one of the stools in his kitchen, yes he works in this place but he also lives here. Only 19 was the age when he first started. He feels rather old, now being 28. What time has gone by. Jin stared at the wall with a frown, he had already gotten everything tooken care of regarding the medical jobs.

He sighed sadly before grabbing a light coat. "Maybe I should just take a small walk..." The doctor grabbed his door key and shoved it in his pockets. Jin slowly made his way, not forgetting to lock the door behind him.

He just admired the pretty moonlight making his way round. The castle was rather big, and since he never got out much he found himself going places he's never seen. You would think being a doctor you're all over the place but Jin had co-workers, that's their job next door. His place was for resting the sick and injured as well as tending to them while they rest.

Seokjin walked around many corridors aimlessly. His mind wondered to Jungkook and if the latter was alright. The banished prince was almost like a porcelain doll in the hands of a 5-year-old who has not been taught to be careful. He's too precious and fragile for this world. But somehow the young boy always made Jin smile. He loved the taekook couple for say. The doctor hopes all complications subside for the two.

Deep in thought as he stared at the velvet carpet below, Jin decided to turn left in his own lalaland. But was quickly brought to reality when he stumbled to the floor.

"Ah I'm sorry!" A foreign voice says. Jin hisses in pain before looking to see a tall mysterious figure. The man had purple-ish hair and a sword belt wrapped around his hips. Must be a soldier, but this man in particular wasnt wearing the Kim soldier uniform.

The said man extended his hand to Jin, who took it cautiously. The doctor dusted himself off before speaking, "May I ask, w-who are you?" Jin unintentionally stuttered. "My name is Kim Namjoon, I'm an escort to the prince Park Hyung-sik. I'm kinda lost..."

"Park Hyung-sik, that's familiar?" Jin thought deeply for a moment before a lightbulb came on. "Oh, Taehyungs friend. I remember now." Seokjin chuckled to himself. Namjoon just stared at him confused before he connected the dots. "And who might you be?" The purple haired male asks.

"I'm Kim Seokjin, I work in the medical department and one of prince Taehyungs personal doctors." Jin exsained. He never took notice of how attractive Namjoon was until now. The other nodded, "That's really cool."

"So your supposed to be at the ball right now, huh?" Jin asks with a knowing smirk. Namjoon shrugs, "I got bored and went out looking for a bathroom not near the ball room." Jin giggled at this, suprised he didnt run into Ha-yoon cause that sounds like something she would do.

"You're something else," Jin sighs. Namjoon chuckles, "I suppose you could say that."

"Well...would you like to join me on my walk? I'm kinda lonely." The doctor pouts cutely and of course Namjoon couldnt protest. So they walked side-by-side down the empty halls.

"So your job you like protect and assist the prince?" Jin asked. "Yea something like that." The taller male replied. "Oh so he does what Jimin did." The doctor thought. "Where exactly are we going?" Namjoon questioned, puzzled.

"Uhh I don't know, but! It wouldnt hurt to find out." Jin does his odd windshield wiper laugh and Namjoon can only laugh alongside him, dimples on full display which causes Jin to almost choke.

They chatted some more and found themselves at a platform which out looked the city. The dark brunette didnt want Namjoon get in trouble for his absence so it was rather close to the ball room. They stared out to the city in comfortable silence.

"Except for that special day I haven't seen much from the outside. It surely is beautiful." Jin sighed peacefully as he leaned on those metal rails. Namjoon nodded but wasnt looking at the view, no. His attention was on something he found more eye catching. And it was none other then the doctor beside him.

"W-what do you mean special day?" The taller one felt a pang in his chest at the thought Jin was taken. Stupid to assume someone with his looks and personality like that was available. He wasnt supposed to like a man, it was a crime. But more than often you cant help it. No matter who you are in the world, at least once have you thought of the same gender. Deny it all you want but the truth still lies there.

"Oh...I don't want to get them in trouble, I'm apart of this felony and unfortunately I feel like you would tell." Jin frowned, not taking his eyes off the stars above. "I promise you I wouldnt dare tell a soul. I too have committed felonies." The soldier held out his pinky. Seokjin hesitated. Could he trust this guy with the princes secret?

"I-im not sure..." Namjoon pouted at this. "Do you love a person that is not female? That's my crime in disguise." The taller male just let the truth slip, he is desperate to find out what took place on the so called special day.

Jin widened his eyes in suprise. "I-I do have that preference, but dont like anyone just yet. What happened wasnt about me, I simply helped with the plan. One very high authority male and one delicate low-class kid. Exquisite they are." The doctor smiled up at Namjoon.

The soldier loved seeing that adorable smile, wished he could charish it for as long as he lives. He couldnt help himself and planted a peck on Jins forhead, who let out a tiny gasp. Both boys felt a pack of wild butterflies dance in their stomach.

"We're both in this together I see." He let's out. The dark brunette looks to the ground flustered and nods. Namjoon checks his watch, "Ahh it's getting late. I fear someone might notice my absence." The soldier concludes.

"Nice meeting you Seokjin." Namjoon waves off and turns to leave but was abruptly stopped by a hand on his wrist. "W-will I see you again?" Jin asks with dark red dust on his cheeks. The taller one chuckles and displayed his dimple smile. "Of coarse you will pretty. I'll try to keep in touch." And with that the purple haired male winked. Jin giggled before letting his wrist go, allowing Namjoon to leave.

Jin stared at the soldiers broad shoulders as he got farther away before slowly disappearing. He signed and held his hand firm on his chest. "What are you doing to me?" The doctor blushed at the fierce thoughts running in his head.

A new destiny for everyone I suppose. Every soul deserves a happy ending no matter where they stand. All in all there's hope for the doctor and mysterious soldier. Who knows? There could be more suprised hidden in the darkness.


UwU I'm happy for those two! You should probably start mentally preparing for those suprised....
(∩ ͡ ° ʖ ͡ °) ⊃-(===>

Note: Sorry this was shorter than normal

Remember everyone who reads this book ily❤

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