🏰 ep.11 🏰

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Author P.O.V

As much as Taehyung didn't want to leave his newly asked boyfriend, he couldn't get distracted from his duties to the kingdom. It sounded selfish almost, but it would've been much worse if he just blew off all the jobs and meetings required. It would get him and his little bunny in trouble.

The anxiety of Jungkook getting hurt while he was absent remained present, never leaving his mind. Yet the prince still trusted that Jin and Ha-yoon could watch over him. They're one of the few he trusted to keep the servant safe. Or...only people he trusted.

Fixing the suit that covered his body, Taehyung already knew what this particular meeting was about. The ball to find him a queen like his father promised. It was all stupid. Why did he need to be forced to find a wife? Why couldn't he be left alone like he had asked before? Knowing fake girls wearing dressings tight to the point they can barely breath just to look 'attractive' in a male's eyes, were going to be there, made him sick.

Entering the large and open room, he watched as the servants rushed to make everything look perfect. Golden decorations were hung wherever room could be made to look big and bold. Tables were set out for snacks and drinks, covered in a black silk table cloth with glass plates on top.

Keeping his back straight and posture up, Taehyung made way over to his father. Mr.Kim was at the head of the room, watching over the actions to make sure it was all perfect. This was an event that came only once every so often. Nothing could go wrong or be out-of-place. The King ruled one of the largest areas at the time, everyone would be watching to see how things turn out.

Taehyung bowed to the older male before standing next to him. He didn't know what to say. He already has a boyfriend, why would he want to replace him with some random girl that was only interested in his looks? All the people trying to court him probably just wanted the title of queen, not to care for the kingdom or for the prince himself.

"Father... I know we've already spoken about this but why can't I wait until I find someone I truly love?" The prince spoke after a few seconds of silence. He already knew this conversation would end in an argument, as all previous ones have, but it was worth a try. He wouldn't give up this quickly. That was something he refused to do.

The king looked towards his son, clearly disproving the question. "You're coming of age and need a queen to rule by your side... we've already discussed this Taehyung," He snapped not bothering to look over to his son. It was a simple concept to his father. Find a wife to help lead the kingdom. Why couldn't the prince understand that?

"Father please! I'm still young. I don't want to be forced into this." Taehyung begs. The King let's out an annoyed sigh, "I'm your father, you're are finding someone and that is that."

Taehyung huffed, "Fine...but what if no one catches my eye?" The young male immediately regrets the question as soon as it left his mouth. "Then I'm picking someone for you!" The King finally turned to face his son. Taehyung was taken aback a little. He looked down and bowed before exiting the room.

Why cant his father just accept who he is? Taehyung is a very different prince compared to everyone who sat on the throne before him. The young prince found himself at one of the hallway boarders that overlooked the kingdom. He stared out into the city as his thoughts went blank for once. Before he knew tears fell from his cheeks and landed on the rails he leaned against.

He was tired, truly, from everything. But there is no walking away at this point. Here comes a time you just have accept what you cannot change. Taehyung buried his face in his hands as he sobbed quietly to himself. He thought no one was there to see him such a mess but he was wrong.

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