🏰 ep.16 🏰

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I just wanna add a quick note: next chapter will be smut, and yes we decided to add that in this story...

Taehyung P.O.V

I woke up by light seeping through the sheer curtain. I went to snuggle close with my lover but instead was met with emptiness. I quickly opened my eyes fully and sat up. He wasn't here at all. Would he just leave me?

Curious, I left the bed and walked over to the door connecting our rooms. I slowly opened the said door and peaked in his room, only to spot Jungkook peacefully sleeping. Now more confused, I walked closer.

I sit beside his resting figure and push the bangs back behind his ear. "Hey Kookie...wake up please," I lean down and whisper in his left ear. The cute boy stirs a bit and slightly opens his eyes, "Is that you Tae?" Jungkook questioned before rolling over.

"No, its Jimin." I say in a high-pitched voice and the younger widens his eyes, sitting up rather quickly. Once he sees it's me he playfully slaps my shoulder. "Yah! Dont do that..." Jungkook clutches his heart. I chuckle, "Sorry, but you should have gotten up."

He pouts and cutely crosses his arms above his chest. "Oh! Why are you here? You slept in my room last night." I informed him, still confused. "Oh...I didnt want someone to see and you get in trouble so I woke up early and decided to rest in here." He replies while fiddling with his fingers.

I smile at how thoughtful my boyfriend is, leaning forward and planting a kiss on his forhead. He blushes and looks down.

"Taehyung you still need to talk to me...about yesterday." Jungkook speaks up, looking at me a bit uneasy. I sigh, "Dont ruin my moment here." I chuckle sadly. He frowns, "Sorry..."

I ruffle his fluffy hair. "Alright I'll tell you." He looks at me with wide eyes, "I dont wanna pressure you into doing anything your not comfortable with!"

I smile a bit, "You deserve to know, so it's okay..." I reply. He nods softly waiting for me to tell the story of yesterday's events.

"A girl approached me, she started being all touchy and calling me names only you can. I got hella mad and brushed her away, especially after she claimed my future queen. I then connected the dots that my dad had already set me up. So I acted without thinking and smashed his wine glass to the ground, screaming that the whole event was worthless. I stormed out into the hall, little did I know he followed. I accidentally spat I was gay...stupid, right? He slapped me three times, saying if I didnt change by today I would be sent to the prison. I really am dumb..." I exsplain all in one go.

I look over to my boyfriend who had wide eyes, jaw hanging open. "T-Tae..." He whispered in disbelief. Then Jungkook abruptly hugged me, which left me shocked. "Are you alright? Your father is so mean..." He says worriedly.

I hug him back tightly, "Thanks to you baby, I'm fine." I reassure. He buried his face in my neck, I can tell he shares my emotions. We stayed like this for a bit until suddenly the door slammed open.

"Taehyung I think you mested up big time..." Ha-yoon shouts. I look up at her confused, "I mean yea but...what happened?" I ask, scared of knowing the answer. "That girl is here with her family, I dont think it's good for you. Get ready, quick!" She informs. Jungkook jumps out of my embrace.

I peck his lips quickly before standing up, "Ha-yoon, stay with him while I get ready." I run over to my room and open the drawers, picking out a more formal outfit. I change and spruce up my hair. Walking back to Jungkooks room I open my mouth to speak, "And no one thought of telling me this? Its nearly nine o'clock!" I spat to her, very annoyed.

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