🏰 Epilogue: 39 🏰

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Author P.O.V

Jungkook raced around their room after many scouldings to his young ones. "Kim Lia and Jisung! Get here now!" The young King demanded.

After that very special night, Jungkook gave birth to a baby boy nine months later. The Kingdom loved the two royal kids. A few years have passed, Jisung turned five last month and Lia is eight.

Believe it or not, Taehyung and Jungkook are still rather young. The youngest being 25 and his husband at 27. Yes, they're getting older but not by much. Jin is considering retiring while Namjoon teaches alongside Yoongi for the yearly soldiers and interns. Jung-Gyu ended up marrying Onda and moving into her castle, him being the only one to not marry the same gender. Ha-yoon has gotten carried away with ruling by Ji-yeon but they wouldn't dare miss out on visiting such precious kids.

Which brings us here, to Jungkook chasing around his two kids. They stole their eomma's crown and are trying to play some hide-and-seek type game. Jungkook was too tired at this point to keep running after his very energetic kids. They're sweet but can be crazy at times.

"Hmm...I think I wont give bedtime stories if you keep this up." Jungkook mumbled loud enough for the hiding children to hear. Then, Jisung ran from behind the wardrobe to his parent, crown in left hand. "I sowwy eomma! Please don't take away story!" The boy pleaded. Lia appeared next to her brother, agreeing with his statement.

They loved their eomma's stories and wouldn't risk losing it. They were always flabbergasted as Jungkook told how he became a banished prince. Another story they loved hearing was how he met their father, such a heart warming tale.

Jungkook sighed, taking the poor crown and placing it on his head. "I don't know..." The young King teased. Lia jumped up and down, tiny tears forming in the corner of her eye. "Pretty pretty please! We promise to he good! We won't bother Jiminie oppa or play around with SeokJin oppa!" The girl tried to reason, giving up messing with her favorite uncles says a lot. Nobody comes in between her and her story time.

Jungkook chuckled, ruffling the girls long hair. "I'm just kidding darling, but next time you better not steal things from me!" The two kids nodded, considering to never take anything again.

A knock echoed through the room, grabbing the royals attention. "Who is it?" Jungkook question. "Your favorite herbalist." A familiar voice awnsered. The Kim children ran to the door in the speed of light, opening it to let their bestfriend in. "Hi babies! Miss me?" Yuna asked as each kid hugged her leg. The little one's kept chatting 'yes!' over and over as Yuna struggled to walk.

She hadn't yet found a love interest yet but didn't need to. All the love in her heart went towards the Taekook kids. She works in the morning and babysit the young royals in the evening. This let Jungkook rest from the effort in keeping track of which kid is where. Yes, he could hire any maid or helper to watch them but trusted Yuna the most.

He remembers when the girl was only 14 and had a strong love for cats and homosexual couples. Now she's all grown up, about an inch taller then himself. She ended up winning a country wide competition in all things plant life, earning an insane amount of money and offers. Yuna is a bigshot and Jungkook feels proud to have watched after her all these years.

"I got the kids if you wanna see Tae." Yuna seggusted while guiding the kids to a couch. Jungkook nodded, "You two better not give Yuna a hard time or I'm serious about taking away bedtime stories." Lia gasped, "We would never!"

Yuna shook her head, waving bye to the young King as he left. "So who wants to hear the story about how I secretly saw your parents kiss! And under the evil watch of Yeri too." Yuna exclaimed with a spooky tone towards the end. "I do!" Jisung piped up, getting comfortable on the couch.

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