🏰 ep.9 🏰

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Jungkook P.O.V

I don't know what I was thinking last night...I guess I was just in a good mood. These feelings are growing stronger by the minute but I know I cant get my hopes up. Unfortunately, I overheard Taehyung talking to Jin about the ball this morning, they thought I was asleep. I don't want to let go just yet, but don't want to cause anymore problems...

I hear footsteps coming towards my bed. "Jungkook..." A familiar voice whispers. "I wish I could hold onto you forever... but I hope you know I'll fight for you no matter what." They continue, suddenly feeling something soft planted on my forehead and linger there for a short while. I open my eyes slowly to get adjusted from the light. "Taehyungie..." I smile softly.

His eyes widen, "Oh...your awake? How are you feeling?" The prince asks. I sit up next to him, "I'm alright." Taehyung nods, combing his fingers through my hair gently. Taehyung just sits there for a while, starting at me. I look down shyly. "I cant afford to lose you..." He whispers. I nod, looking away from his gaze.

"Sorry if you feel uncomfortable," The prince chuckles. I shake my head, "Dont you have things to do today, like meetings and practice?" I question. He thinks for a moment, "Not that I know of. I got a lot of stuff tooken care of yesterday." Taehyung smiles down at me, happy to have a free schedule.

"So about that ball this Saturday..." I sigh, avoiding his gaze again. I hear him gasp, "How... how did you know?"

"I over heard you and Jin talking..." I answer. Taehyung cups my cheeks and make me face him, "I'll take care of everything bun, alright? I'm not going to let them tare us apart. Yes I'm a prince with responsibilities, but I would be a bad one if I treat you like this."

The fact he is willing to give up everything for a lost prince he met only a mere month ago says a lot. But I know I'm not worth it, his love.

"Tae are you sure? Please think through this carefully..." I frown. "I've thought through this careful for a while now. Trust me please, your the source of my happiness. It took a while to recognize that but I'm not letting you go that easily, ok?" I nod, touched by his words.

"So what will you do? Your parents and the kingdom..."

"I talked to my sister and we will plan something out, dont worry." I smile at him, "Thank you Tae..." The prince returns my smile with his boxy one. Just then, the doctor I'm very familiar with, comes in. "Here is your medicine little one." Jin hands me another pill. I take a sip of the water that was on the table beside my bed, popping the pill in my mouth, swallowing it.

Just then, the door opens. "Your majesty, the Queen has requested you to the dining table." Someone I haven't seen before says. "Ok, be right there." Taehyung waves the guy off and they leave. "Its just for our annual breakfast, dont worry bun." He gives my lips a quick peck before grabbing his things and walking out the door. Not forgetting to say a 'be back soon' and waving me goodbye. I blush and wave back.

"Aww you guys are so cute..." Jin concludes before chuckling.


It's been a few hours, Taehyung hasn't returned which I dont blame him for. Jin left a little while ago to stock up on a few supplies which has left me alone. In all honesty, I hate being alone. But who am I to complain? They've done enough for me already. I decided to just lay down and rest, I need it.

The next thing I know I'm woken up, but not how I expected. I just feel a heavy sting on my cheek. I jolt awake and look up to see something unsettling. A short male in exspensive clothing hovering over me. I hate that stupid smirk they always have on their face.

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