🏰 ep.19 🏰

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When you go to write another chapter but then bang bang con goes live and you get a little sidetracked.

Author P.O.V

It's been a few days now since Jungkook and Taehyung bid goodbye. The week is almost up, everyones getting tired.

Jungkook just continued to do his everyday job, drowning in sadness and loss. He would spend extra long near the hall of royals in hopes Taehyung would suprise him with a back hug. But no. Taehyung has yet to appear with that handsome face and box like smile of his.

After Jungkook's job was done, the young male would always visit Yuna in her workplace and stay in that office for a little while. But not too long, he had to see Seokjin at noon for his daily medicine. And after getting his medicine, Jungkook would just be in his own room. Praying the beloved prince would enter at any moment. And when he didnt show up, Jungkook would cry himself to sleep.

The banished prince now lives a very boring life. Doing the same routine everyday and cant help but wonder what his lover would be up to. Trying so very hard not not get jealous of the thoughts that consume his mind. And this is where we begin what goes down today.

As the fragile male was sweeping across the halls, humming silently to himself he heard footsteps get rather close. He turned around thinking his boyfriend was finally here but- No. As soon as Jungkook turned around he ran into someone rather short and stumbled to the ground.

"O-ow..." The servant yelped from the sudden pain in his bum. "Ah Kookie! I'm so sorry!" Ha-yoon extended her hand to help the other up and Jungkook gladly accepted it. "Suprised to see you here..." The older male chuckled slightly.

"Same here, it's only been a few days but it feels like years!" They both chuckled at the princesses exaggeration. "How uh...how are you holding up?" She questioned, giving the boy in front of her a pity look.

"I d-dont know..." Jungkook replied. He didnt want her worrying. "Koo there is something you should know. I shouldnt tell you this but you deserve the right to at least hear about it." She guided Jungkook to the edge of the hallway that out looked the village in the distance. "What is it?" Jungkook asked, rather confused and now worried.

"Its about my brother..." She sighed, her gaze softened as she turned to face the male next to her. Jungkook gulped, not knowing if the next thing she will say be good or bad. "He misses you dearly, but tries to stay strong. Princess Yeri...god I hate her so much. She is so clingy to my brother and calls him the most jurrastic pet names. Well I overheard her talking to a friend and she said...." Ha-yoon sighed, not wanting to say what comes next but fears the result if she doesnt.

The anticipation and worry was displayed all over Jungkooks features. He was so anxious to know. Ha-yoon gulped before continuing, "Said that...she will try to get Taehyung in bed because she wants to have children as soon as possible."

"WHAT?!" Jungkook unintentionally shouted, dropping the broom in his hands. It didnt take long for tears to dwell in his bambi eyes. "Koo listen to me please..." Ha-yoon cupped the servants cheeks to try and get him to calm down. She could feel the older male start to shake and tears fall onto her hands.

"I know my brother and he wouldnt let her do that until absolute neccessary. But you need to go see him, he gave you permission, didnt he?" Ha-yoon questions, wiping the servants tears with her thumb.

"Y-yes but only in emergency..." Jungkook let out, trying to choke back a sob. "You cant let that witch get what she wants...hes your boyfriend after all. I cant stand watching this, both of you are very hurt." The princess exclaims, taking her hands from the olders face.

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