🏰 Epilogue: The End 🏰

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Unfortunately it's time. We're at that special happy ending where the story closes for good. But that doesn't mean their hearts won't live on. The last few moments, to reminisce in what was. Now you can really see how far they've come, reaching a goal that was set long ago. The final goodbye, sweet and lovely. How they wished from the start.

Jungkook P.O.V

Today was like any other, I smiled while sitting on the couch with my two babies. They're so sweet, I'm beyond lucky to end up with such amazing children. I can tell their future will turn out bright.

Taehyung said everyone was coming over this evening for a hangout and dinner party. The kids and I are so excited. I haven't seen a few of our friends in quite a long time, it would be nice to have all of us reunite under the same roof.

"Eomma, can I get ready now?" Lia asked quietly, playing with her fingers in anticipation. "Sure darling, go pick our your dress while I help Jisung." At the mention of his name, Jisung stopped coloring and turned to me with a puzzled look. I smile, watching as my oldest daughter rushes off to her separate wardrobe. I stand up and crouch down by Jisung, lifting my hand to carress his head softly. "Wanna get ready to meet your aunts and uncles, their friends and lovers as well?" I question. The boy nods happily, a box-like smile displayed on his adorable face.

"Okay, let's go pick out your outfit then." I stand up and extent my hand, watching as his little fingers wrap around mine. I pull the prince up gently and guide him to the said wardrobe. Jisung picks white pants with a golden jacket. As he changes I help since these clothes are tough to get on.

Once finished, we walk out and wait for Lia to get done. She comes out, making little dramatic effect noises while twirling in a lilac dress.

"You wear that dress all the time darling." I inform with a chuckle. She pouts, standing straight. "But this is a special occasion! Last time this week, I promise."

I shake my head, not having the heart to say no when she looks so cute. "Fine, but last time this week." I warn. Lia smiles, walking over to me as her shoes click on the marble floor. "Thanks Eomma!" She exclaims, wrapping her tiny arms around my neck in a hug. I hug back, planting a tiny kiss on her forhead.

Pulling away, I see Jising frown. I extend my arms, letting him crawl into my lap and get a hug as well. "Why don't you two get your crowns, Appa will be here any minute." I say. Lia nods, going over to where we keep accessories and pull out her crown along with other jewels. Jisung gets off my lap and does the same action as his sister.

Like said, the door opens revealing my husband. I smile, getting off the couch. Taehyung walks over to me, giving a quick peck on the lips. "Hey baby, how is eveything?"

"The kids are about ready, me and you just have to get touched up." I reply. He nods, watching as Lia and Jisung notice his presence and run over. They tackle him in a hug but careful to not ruin their clothes. "Appa! We miss you." Lia squealed.

"I miss you too, how's my favorite bundles of joy?" The King asks, crouching down to be eye level with them. "Good," Jisung replies.

I smile at the scene before me, the amout of secure and happy feeling radiating from this moment just makes eveything a lot more sweeter. Taehyung stands up, "You guys go finish getting ready, me and your Eomma will do the same."

The children comply, Lia grabbing Jisung's hand and guiding him over to finish with accessories. Taehyung steps closer to me, wrapping his hands around my waist. "W-what are you doing?" I question, stuttering unintentionally.

"Just want to hold you, miss your warmth." Taehyung replies, putting a finger on my chin to make me face him. I blush slightly, smiling at his sweet comment. My husband closes the gap between our lips, kissing me passionately and full of love. Pulling away he connected our foreheads, "Just wanted to make sure you know I love you."

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