🏰 ep.36 🏰

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Author P.O.V

[A few weeks later]

Taehyung had been pacing around that familiar dark brown door. Nervous and anxiousness was eating at his insides and definitely showing on the outside. After that night up until now, the King was rather frantic to see if Jungkook would turn up with a baby afterall.

Currently, Jin was checking Jungkook to see if he carries a child or not. Taehyung wasn't aloud in for obvious reasons. A main one being Jin needed his space, not with the older King constantly over his shoulder.

Taehyung was biting his nails while thinking about every possibility that could go wrong. Wether all their efforts that night were to waste if the results turn out negative. Wether Jungkook has a miscarriage. Or worse- if his beloved husband dies while giving birth.

Taehyung was so worried he felt like he couldn't breath. Every little sound would startle the King and make him more jumpy. Taehyung can't exsplain how relieved he was to see that stupid door open. The door that kept him away from his lover.

Before Jin could say anything, Taehyung pushed passed the doctor to where Jungkook sat. The younger King had an astound smile painted on his lips, trying to hold back a squeal from the news.

"So?!" Taehyung asked impatiently, rather loud too. Jungkook jumped from his seat excitedly, "I-It turned out positive! We'll have a baby!"

Taehyung instantly lifted Jungkook up and spun him around. "Aww I can't believe it! We'll be parents, I'm so happy Jungkookie!"

Taehyung let the younger down, but not before a sweet kiss. Jungkook giggled, hugging his husband tight. "We did it! A-after the first scare, we'll have a tiny you and me running around the castle!" Jungkook smiled brightly, overjoyed.

Yes, being pregnant at 17 isn't ideal. But in this time frame it's quite common. Their dynasty can be passed down...or will it? Jungkook has to make it passed birth of the child first.

Jin couldn't help but smile at the couple, extremely happy for them. The doctor still remembers long ago, when Taehyung carried Jungkook in who was covered in blood and bruises. The amount of abuse Jungkook went through definitely paid off and brought him a brighter future.

"Congratulations you two! Now can I exsplain all the precautions?" Jin questioned with a chuckle. Taehyung smiled sheepishly before sitting down and pulling Jungkook in his lap.

"Kookie will exsperiance mood swings and change in hormonal levels along with weird food cravings through the next nine months. It could vary as well. Kookie needs proper care and nutrition, make sure your eating healthy for the baby. Something you should very much be aware of! Make sure his stomach is protected at all times. Once the baby gets more developed, falling on your stomach could cause some major damage. You could also get morning sickness and throw up here and there. If there is any problems or concerns you can always get me." Jin informed.

Not gonna lie, Jungkook was a bit scared by all the things that could occur. In the mists of everything,  the younger King forgot how much giving birth can hurt. Jungkook didn't mind though, the end result was worth it. Plus he got more in depth information from Jin while doing the test.

"Will you be okay?" Taehyung questions, staring down at Jungkook worridly. "Don't worry Tae, it will take time to get use to but we'll be okay." The younger King looked down to caress his tummy, referring to the human growing inside him.

"We can get through this together, I'll be with you every step of the way." Taehyung assured, planting a kiss onto his husbands head.

~ 3 months later ~

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