🏰 ep.28 🏰

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Taehyung P.O.V

A few weeks have passed. Me and Jungkook only got closer, I've been teaching him the ropes of ruling a Kingdom. Some people did stand in the way, lashing out to prove we were disgusting. I couldn't care less, were at the top of the food chain now. No harm will ever come to us again.

Today was a day like no other though. I decided to take Jungkook to the beach later tonight. I had planned everything since Jin told me my boyfriends reply on that day. I was a nervous train wreck, it was all or nothing. Currently I had Hobi taking Jungkook the long way to get ice cream which spared me a little time to host a meeting.

Right now I stood in front of the Namjin couple, Yuna, Ha-yoon, and even Yoongi. They all agreed to help me with arranging this.

"So you all know the location, yes?" I asked, seeing them all nod allowed me to continue. "You will set it up while I'm with Jungkook. Once we arrive at sunset you will get in position and lift the sign I just now gave you, ok?" I bite my nails nervously, I feel like I might faint.

"The order is Jin, Namjoon, Yuna, Yoongi, then Ha-yoon, got it? I swear if you mess it up or hold the sign upside down I will throw you out." I spat, gritting my teeth. They look at me worriedly but all reply with a 'yes' or 'ok'.

"Bro do you need a chill pill?" Ha-yoon asked, standing up from her chair to pat my shoulder. I swatted her hand away suddenly, "Cut the playful crap out! This is a big deal." She seemed taken aback and hurt. When small tears formed from the corner of her eyes I realized my mistake and why everyone in the room was so tense.

"I-I'm sorry..." I apologize, giving her a sorrowful look. She sighed and sat back down. "Its natural to be worried Tae but Jungkook got this far with you, like he would quite now. When you mentioned marriage before he didnt seem to show resentment, believe in him more." Jin spoke.

He is right. Jungkook was full aware I would do this sooner rather than later. I cant help but think about the negatives. Those what if questions always seem to work their way into my mind. But I do know Jungkook has stuck with me through thick and thin, willingly getting hurt just for my sake. He would have left me by now if it was too much.

Gosh I'm so lucky to have followed him that day. Would we have met if I didn't chase after him? In a way I owe the Head Maid a little for making Jungkook become noticable. Something just drew me to him that day and I'm glad it did. The past months we've known each other feels like years, today will wrap it all up to be bound forever.

"Earth to King Taehyung!" Yoongi yelled, catching my attention. "H-huh? Sorry." I smile sheepishly. "Jin hyung, your right. And everyone...thanks so much for helping out, for just believing in us in general." I say, looking at each and every one of my special friends.

"No. Thank you Taehyung for giving us an opportunity, a chance to experience what freedom tastes like." Yuna cut in, speaking for the first time. This made me smile, "I want special people to be happy with no complications." I reply.

Before anyone could say anything, the door opened revealing a bubbly Jungkook and worried Hoseok. My lover pouted, "W-why is everyone staring?" His voice was timid and barely audible. My heart literally staring beating louder then fireworks being set off. He was so adorable and mind wouldn't cooperate with me.

"No reason! We were all just hanging out. Wanna join in?" Yuna tried to ease the tension forming, which she succeeded. Jungkook's pout turned into a smile and he walked over to me, "Hey baby, enjoy your ice cream?" I ask, wrapping my arms around his waist protectively. He nodded, nuzzling his head into the crook of my neck. Gosh, he might hear my loud heart beat at this rate.

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