🏰 ep.10 🏰

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Author P.O.V

The morning sun flowed through the tinted glass, lighting up the atmosphere where two boys were sleeping. Both were exhausted from the previous day events. It didn't take long before one woke up.

Jungkook opened his eyes slowly, getting adjusted to the light. He tried to sit up but was brought back down due to something heavy on his chest. Startled, he looked to his right seeing a handsome face. "T-Taehyung," the boy whispered. But this didn't stir the prince from his slumber.

Just then, their favorite doctor walked in. "Aww you guys are so cute." Jin yawned, still barely awake himself. It didn't take long to realize the situation, as Taehyung was keeping the other from moving. Jin chuckled at the sight, walking over to the bed. He shook Taehyung harshly. "Wake up you pabo! I can't babysit today." Jin yelled.

Taehyung groaned before opening his eyes. "Okay okay, I'm awake!" The prince exclaims in defeat. Jungkook chuckled at the two. "Your also squishing poor Kookie." Jin added which made Taehyung immediately sit up. "Oh sorry..." The prince apologized as he went towards the end of the bed, standing up.

"Do you have any meetings this morning Tae?" The doctor asked. "Not that I know of?" Taehyung replied uncertain. "You never know." Jin made a 'tsk' sound while going towards the kitchen. Jungkook sat up in the bed and started playing with his fingers.

Taehyung decided to sit next to the smaller male. "Did you sleep well?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook nodded softly. "That's good."

They sat there in a comfortable silence. Jin came back with some medicine and a huge smile on his face. "Jungkookie your able to go back to your room today!" The doctor cheered happily before giving said male his medicine.

Jungkook swallowed the medicine before bouncing happily like an excited kid. "But hyung...I'll miss you!" The boys smile turned into a frown. "Well you still need to come down everyday and take medicine. I'll miss you too but I dont want you in this bed anymore, you hear me? I dont want you hurt." Jin concluded. "And I'll make sure that doesnt happen." Taehyung smiled, kissing the servants forhead.

Jin then left back to the kitchen to make breakfast. This left the two younger males alone.

"About yesterday...are you ok?" Taehyung asked. Jungkook sighed, "I-I was scared..." The servant knew that he cant hide what he feels from Taehyung, so in this moment he just spoke his mind. Wether or not he will regret it later, is unknown.

"I'm sorry you saw the worst of me. I forgot you were sitting there watching everything. I guess rage consumed me. It must have been hard for you. I took care of Jimin so you dont have to worry anymore." The prince let out. "Its ok Tae, you just did what you could in the moment. But...I hate yelling, it reminds me of the past." Jungkook informs while playing with his fingers, embarrassed about mentioning something like this.

"He had a panick attack, just to let you know." Jin peeked his head through the doorway, totally not eavesdropping on the two. Taehyung let out a frustrated sigh, "I'm so sorry baby." This made Jungkooks cheeks turn a shade of red at the name.

But the anxiaty of yelling reminded Taehyung of how he first met the younger. "The first time I saw you was when you cried over yelling now that I think about it. I felt so bad, I wanted to comfort the beautiful boy." Taehyung smiled down at the servant in his arms. Jungkook bacame a flustered mess, "I'm not beautiful though! Especially when crying..." The younger pouted.

Taehyung kissed the pout away. "To me you are." Jungkook playfully punched Taehyung, "S-stop!" He hid his red face in Taehyung's toned chest. "Its the truth!" The prince exclaimed, smiling. Jin walked to them with a tray of breakfast. It consisted of pancakes and strawberries. This made the two boys faces light up at the delicious breakfast. They ate happily as the morning progressed.

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