⚔ ep.24 🏰

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Author P.O.V

After the two boys finished eating dinner, they decided to stop by Jin and his new boyfriend. Taehyung gave Namjoon permission to stay for a week seeing that the doctor invested in something other than his job.

"Hey guys! Are we interrupting something?" Thr King asked, opening the door to see the said soldier leaning on his friend. Jin turned bright red and gently pushed Namjoon away.

"N-no! Come on in your majesty-" Jin was cut off upon seeing Jungkook. The doctor ran and cupped the youngers face, "What happened to my poor baby?" Jin examined the prince. "J-just a little cut." Jungkook nervously chuckled. "One, he is my baby. Two, not just a little cut. Some bastard cut his cheek with a pocket knife." Taehyung exsplained bitterly.

Seokjin sighed before guiding the two royals to a seat. "Kookie, poor child. Oh! You didnt stop by today for your medicine." The doctor reminded, sitting down next to his lovely boyfriend. "I forgot Jinnie hyung, I'm sorry..." Jungkook pouted. "Aww that's ok Koo, just remember tomorrow." The older couldn't resist Jungkooks adorable pouts.

"I'll make sure to bring him." Taehyung then rested his hand on Jungkooks thigh, giving it a light squeeze. "So, how was the coronation?" Namjoon finially spoke up. "It was pretty exciting, boring, but fun nonetheless." Taehyung answered. The older couple nodded at this.

"So Tae, when are you going to announce about your relationship?" The doctor asked, picking up his tea cup and taking a sip. "I was planning next week, but it all just depends on Jungkook." The King turned his head to Jungkook and they stared at each other for a moment. "Y-your the King d-do what you t-think is best." Jungkook became shy and broke the eye contact. "But you'll be a King too..." Taehyung added softly.

"I-I know. Next week is f-fine then." Jungkook stammered. Taehyung smiled, ruffling his boyfriends hair. "Thanks bun."

"You guys are cute." Namjoon bluntly stated. Jin laughed, watching his friends reaction. "Uh thank you..." Taehyung scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. "Anyways! Jungkook I need to talk to you haha..." Seokjin stood up and grabbed the youngers wrist, dragging him away to the kitchen, making sure to shut the door behind him.

"So I had a few questions for you. If Taehyung were propose to you, what would make it magical? I know it's weird and I dont wanna push anything but I don't know where to plan my first date. I thought you could help me by envisualing if Tae were to propose to you." The doctor chuckled nervously, hoping this will cover up the real question.

Truth be told, the King asked Jin to do some digging so he knows where he should propose to his lover. Taehyung planned sometime next month, I mean he is desperate to spend the rest of his life with Jungkook. He doesn't need anyone else, the younger is who has been locked in his heart since the first day they met. It might be slightly rushed, but personally he thinks it's dumb to rule with only a boyfriend.

"Um...someplace pretty like the beach with lights everywhere. I haven't been to the beach in forever, it would be pretty for a proposal or a first date." Jungkook smiled sweetly, oblivious to the doctors scheme.

Meanwhile, with Taehyung and Namjoon. "Proposing, huh? You guys are couple goals. Do you know when you'll do it?" The purple haired soldier asked. "In four weeks from now, I'm excited but a nervous wreck. More nervous then when that person put a sword to either side of my face today." Taehyung chuckled anxiously, knowing what was happening in the other room.

"I think you shouldn't worry. Based on the way he looks at you plus the stories I've heard, he loves you more than anything." Namjoon reassured. "Thanks... and by the way, how did you and Seokjin start?" Taehyung asked. "Well...I got a little help from a small girl, Yuna I think is her name? But anyways, she brought Jin to the hallway we ran into each other and I just asked him. I don't know, but something about him is just...special." the soldier smiled a dorky smile to himself, recalling the moment.

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