🏰 ep.15 🏰

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I present you another ep! Many different things unfold here, grab some popcorn🍿

"Uhhh do I know you?" Asked the prince. She leaned in closer, "You will."

Taehyung P.O.V

I was beyond confused. Who does she think she is? I would push her away but dont want anymore negative attention, especially since my dad would take it the wrong way. "And how is that?" I spat. She smiled, almost in a creepy way, but her face remained innocent.

"Oh it's simple darling~" She ran her index finger across the bottom of my chin. That's it. I slapped her hand away. "Dont call me that, who are you?" I bark, losing my patience. "Your..." She pauses, "Future," Another pause was present as she smirked inwardly, "Queen."

My eyed widen, "Stop this nonsense before I get someone." She simply shrugs like my words held no meaning, "Like I said...you will know me. Not now though babe." That dumb smile never leaving her face only irritated me more. "One, Dont EVER call me that again, understood? Two, how do you know this, I'm not believing your lies." I say angrily.

"Call it lies if you must but you will have no choice to accept it. Since your stupid 'I wanna find love' remark, you chose this fate for yourself. I'm just having my fun before the real deal starts." She does a playful salute as 'bye' and leaves.

I ball my hands into a fist. "Ugh!" I bang my hand on the wall nearby. It went partly silent in the room, I'm assuming some people were watching the scene from afar. I didn't care though, they're all idiots. Control is only what they strive for! They need to learn that's not everything. Money, fame, and power can not bring you happiness in the end. I give up!

I storm off to my father who was drinking some fancy wine with numerous kings. They chatted away and making bets on each other. So what if he punishes me now, I've been pushed over my limits. I yank the glass from his hand harshly.

He stared at me with rage before I spoke, "This ball is pointless!! You decided to set me up already with another dumb bet. How's it feel, huh? I dont know who you are anymore!" I smash the exspensive glass to the ground. This caused shards and wine to spill everywhere. "Taehy-" He was about to yell but I beat him to it, "DONT YOU START NOW, IM THROUGH WITH THIS!!" Suprisingly, I was crying without noticing it.

Everyone in the room went quiet as they watched us intently. I run out of the room pissed. God, I could kill someone. I storm down the hallway, sobbing. The corridor was dim and lifeless it seemed.

"KIM TAEHYUNG GET OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" My father yelled. Shit. I thought he would just leave me alone for crying out loud. I stop in place as I hear heavy footspets get close to me. "You have one second to exsplain before you'll have some serious consequences." He snapped loudly. I hesitate for a moment, oh fuck it.

"I'm gay! There I said it! I want no buisness with those fake ass people!" I yell out, not caring anymore about anything whatsoever. "You didnt say that...no! No no, this better be some joke you worthless thing of a son!" He was far from angry, he was livid.

My father brought his hand up and slapped me. "First you refuse a queen..." I felt another sting to my red face. "Embarass me," And a pang hit my face again with more force. "Now you speak this nonesense!! You're not worth this kingdom!!" My fathers voice boomed through the hallway.

I was having a hard time breathing from all the sobs escaping my lips. "Tomorrow you better be a whole new person or I'm sending you to the prison, you hear me?!" He pushed me rather harsh, bringing me to stumble. "Y-y-yes sir..." I breath out. He punches a nearby wall, "God dammit can anyone in this dumb family listen?!" He huffed before exiting the corridor.

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