🏰 ep.20 🏰

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I promised a happy ending, right? Well I present to you this chapter :)

Author P.O.V

A few days ago, prince Taehyung made an agreement with his freind, Park Hyung-sik. In courtesy of Namjoon and Jin, they wanted the two to see each other again.

And not just because Seokjin literally begged Taehyung and wouldnt stop rambling until the prince finally said yes. Same with Namjoon. For some reason they were desperate to see each other, and only met once.

So today is the day, doctor Seokjin gets to finally see the male that was able to make his heart flutter for the first time. Today was supposed to be a rather happy day, no one expected the heartache this kingdom would receive later into the night.

Jungkook P.O.V

It was now around noon. And as promised, I made my way down to the medical wing. I knocked on the familiar wooden door, waiting for my friend to open it. And as expected Seokjin opened the door, but something was off.

His hair was pushed back and brushed neatly. He didnt have his usual lab coat on, rather a formal sweater and nice pants. He let me in without addressing the shocked exspression I had on my face. I mean Jin didnt dress up for no one, so this is weird.

All questions I previously had were answered upon seeing a tall male with purple hair, sitting down. I remember the soldier Jin rambled on and on about, and I'm guessing that's him. Jin took my silence as a bad thing I guess, before clearing his throat to speak.

"Jungkook this is Namjoon. A personal guard I met at the ball, the one I told you about." Jin informs me sheepishly. I bowed to the soldier, "Nice to meet you..." I say, then stand up.

"Ahh I've been told a bit about you. Your actually so cute in person..." Namjoon chuckled. Out of the corner of my eye I can see Jin stare at me with jealousy. I giggle at this. "T-thank you! You seem very nice."

"Kookie... I told him your not good with strangers. So dont feel pressured or anything, promise he wont hurt you." Jin assured. But I didnt see a reason to even be scared of him. I smirked inwardly, thinking of a way to tease them.

"Its alright, if your Jinnie's boyfriend then I know you must be ok to be around." Smiling innocently, I watch them both turn red, and Jin death glare me. "Ok Kiddo, lets give you your medicine." Seokjin practically shoves me through the door that leads to the kitchen.

Closing the door he quickly turns to me. "Why would you say that?!" He whisper-yells. I shrug, "Dont say I wasnt right. You guys are made for each other!"

"Please...I've only met him twice." Jin sighs, walking to the counter and pulling out my medicine. "So? Love doesnt depend on time. It matters on what you want. This is the happiest I've seen you hyungie!" I whine, annoyed he won't except the truth. Normally I would be nervous teasing and protesting to higher authority, but this is Jin. I've grown quite comfortable around him, especially since he's seen me at my worst.

"I doubt he feels the same way..." Jin replied, handing me pills and water. I take the medicine before continuing, "He so does! Believe what you want, but this is your chance " I smile and walk over to the sink, putting the cup down. "That's easy for you to say. If it wernt for the prince you wouldn't have gotten laid. Plus your a mess around him. Stuttering and blushing even before you two got together."

I smacked his chest embarrassed. "Hyung!" I gasp. "Haha payback Koo." He sticks his tongue out before exiting the room. "This conversation isnt over yet." I mumble. Rolling my eyes, I exit back to the room.

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