🏰 ep.4 🏰

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Jungkook P.O.V

It's been a week since Taehyung found out about all the scars. It's kind of cute how protective he is being of me. The boy that walked in on us a few days ago, I learned his name was Jimin. He doesn't like me. Or at least I don't think he does.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen the Head Maid around recently. Taehyung said he wouldn't fire her, so where is she? Speaking of the prince, he was at some kind of meeting. There has been a lot of meetings lately that involve him. But he'll be next in line as King so it makes sense.

I was sitting in my room peacfully. That is, until Jimin suddenly entered using Taehyung's door. "H-hey Jimin hyung," I greet the blonde assistant but was only met with a snarl, "Stop acting innocent. What do you want from Taehyung?" Jimin spat. I hate yelling, and he was doing exactly that. Tears start to escape my eyes, but I quickly try and wipe them away.

"Great! Now your crying, dumb kid." He rolled his eyes and got closer to me. "You already have Taehyung wrapped around your finger, you could ask him for anything and he would give it to you. So why haven't you done it yet? What do you want from him?" Jimin's voice increased in volume. "I-Im s-sorry. I j-just want to be h-his friend."

"Friend?" Jimin scoffed. "That's what everyone says at first. Then they always use him for money or power. I'm his only true friend, and soon it will be more than just that. Your like the rest of them, using Taehyung. Even if you deny it." The assistant continued.

Jimin doesn't say anything else and just left my room, leaving me crying on the cold tiled floor. I'll prove him wrong! I'll prove to him that I'm not like everyone else...


Taehyung P.O.V

After another long meeting, I walked into my room. I see the door that connects mine and Jungkook's room open? That's strange, he always closes it because he doesnt want to 'annoy' me. I dont think and just walk into his room, worried about the little bunny next door. When I arrive, I see something that breaks my heart.

The banished prince was passed out on the floor, his eyes were puffy and red. I start panicking and run to his side, quickly but gently pick him up off the ground and placing him on the bed. I wipe his remaining tears. This isnt like the situation a while ago, Is it?

I smile sadly at the boy, "What made you be like this?" I question aloud to myself. I then see him slowly waking up, rubbing his eyes. Jungkook looks around the room until he notices me. Out of no where he raps his arms around my neck and starts crying all over again. What happened?

"Hey hey, calm down Koo, it's ok. " I try to assure. "What's wrong?"

"D-do you t-think I u-use you?" Jungkook spoke barely above a whisper. "What? Who told you such things? Of course you dont!" I exclaim.

Jungkook gently shook his head, "But-" I interrupt him,"But nothing Koo, whoever told you this is lying."

Jungkook pulled away, "b-but they're not lying! Y-you gave me this r-room, clean clothes, and g-good food. W-what have I given you h-hyung?" He only continues to spill more tears. I freeze at the question. It's true, he hasnt given me anything. But that doesnt matter, he gave me happiness and a sense of warm feelings.

I'm assuming the younger sees my silence as something bad and continues to speak, "See I a-am using you, even if its not the regular way. I constantly take from you and give nothing."

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