🏰 ep.8 🏰

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Taehyung P.O.V

After my visit with Jungkook, even though I wanted to stay, I need to fulfill my duty as prince and finish tasks. I had just finished the check-up on interns who had all arrived two days ago. Now it was off to my fencing practice.

Upon arriving, I change out of my uniform and into the gear. I stepped onto the feild with the rest of the trainees and waited for my instructor. "Hey Tae! How's it been?" My freind walked over to me. "Oh, it's been good I guess. How about you?" I question back. My friend only frowned, "With you advancing in this dynasty, work has been hectic."

"I'm sorry. If I could, I would back out from the throne. But...we both know the answer to that scenario." I say sadly. He nods, "So what's up with you? Lately everyone has been saying you've disappeared and in some they mention a boy, care to fill me in on the details?" He playfully smirks, wiggling his eyebrows. I smack him on the shoulder annoyed, "Its not wrong, but I'll tell you another day." I dismissed the thought with my hand.

"Oh come on..." The soldier whined. "Yoongi I'll tell you next practice, deal?" He gave a gummy smile, "deal." And with that the instructor came, and so our lesson began.

Afterwards, I started guzzling water from my water bottle, sweat dripping down my neck. "Good job today guys! You progress with each practice. Be here next week for training, ok? No questions? Class dismissed." The instructor exclaimed, waving as he went off, like he was in a hurry.

I felt a slap on my back, "So where is the prince headed off to next?" An annoying smirk plastered on Yoongi's face as he sat down. "Suprinsingly I need to chat with my sister..." I reply, still panting a little from the intense practice. My friends nods, "But dont you have a meeting...?" He asks. Shit! I forgot. "Oh! Thanks for reminding me Yoongz. I should probably clean up before heading that way." I start collecting my things and stand up. "See you there!" He yells as I wave back at him, walking to my room.

Once I make it the said room I take a shower and change. I stepped out of the bathroom, drying my hair. Hmm... the door to Jungkook's room was open? I walk closer and enter. The absence of him makes me remember all the pain and suffering. The room was dark and cold due to the fact that the fire place hasnt been turned on in a while and the curtains were drawn.

I take a deep sigh. Suddenly, a flash of the day I met Jungkook to when I found him in a pool of blood came to me all at once. This made my heart ache. Without noticing, a few tears leave my eyes, but why? Some things never make sense to me, especially times like this, where my emotions get the better of me.

"Taehyung?" I hear a soft voice call out. I turn around, almost as if I was lost in the moment. "Ha-yoon?" I whisper. She walks over very elegantly, "Shhh, what's wrong?" My sister stands on her tippy-toes, whiping the fallen tears on my face. "I was going to talk to you today actually...I was just-"

"Its ok Tae, I shouldn't be in here anyways. I was just seeing if my journal was in here since this was my old room. I understand you have a meeting, you should get to that. See me in here when it's done, ok? We can talk then," She says gently.

My sister is always so sweet, even to the cruelest souls. She knows how I feel and what I truly want even when I try to cover everything up. Despite her being 4 years younger than me, I think she understands the world very well and would make a great queen one day.

I bow and nod to her before leaving. "Thank you.." I whisper, exiting the room.


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