⚔ ep.17 ⚔.

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If it has '⚔' then that means it's a smut, in case you see it again in the future

Gosh I can not believe I'm about to read over and edit this 😔

Author P.O.V

"How about that present now?"

Jungkook froze in his spot, starting to internally panick. He talked with Ha-yoon, trying to mentally prepare himself for this situation but still isn't sure. This is it...whatever actions follow are unknown. The princess went on about how it's no big deal, they need a break. And yes, a 14-year-old gave a 16-year-old advice about a topic like this. She may appear innocent, and in some ways she can be, but let's just say reading korean books in the adult section ruined her.

Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts, realizing he should answer the prince before he gets impatient. "I-I- are you s-sure?" The younger stammered out, mind running wild at what could happen next. "I mean, I wanted to reward my baby for being such a good boy." Taehyung whispered.

"Are you comfortable enough? If you're not ready I guess I could hold off..." Taehyung pulled away whilst pouting softly. Jungkook felt a bit guilty now, this would be really good for his boyfriend, might relieve pent up stress.

Jungkook gulped before turning to the prince. "Give me my reward hyung..." The younger spoke quietly yet came off to Taehyung in a seductive way.

The prince's face lit up in shock. He didnt exspect a side like this from his boyfriend. "Alright then baby but you need to relax first." Taehyung informed while scooting closer to the male. Jungkook nodded, taking a few deep breaths to calm down.

Once Jungkook opened his eyes and became somewhat steady, Taehyung attacked the said male's lips without hesitation. Jungkook gasped into the kiss, taken off guard. Eventually, the banished prince kissed back as it escalated very quickly. Jungkook brought his hands up to the prince's hair, gripping it softly.

After a while Taehyung broke the kiss, slowly moving down the servants neck and making a trail of light kisses. Taehyung licked a long strip on his boyfriend's neck before sucking and biting lightly on certain spots, creating purple and red marks. He smirked hearing Jungkook's soft whimpers and light moans. This was completly new for the smaller male and he didnt know how to react.

While Taehyung was working on the latters neck, Jungkook abrubtly let out a slightly louder, higher pitch, moan. The servant covered his mouth in embarrassment causing Taehyung to chuckle. "Its okay baby, I wanna hear you." The older then bit over that same spot making Jungkook's eyes widen, enjoying the new feeling he's never experienced. "Found it." The prince smirked, continuing to make dark love bites.

While Jungkook was distracted, Taehyung slipped his hand under the smallers shirt, reaching his right nipple and twirling it in his fingers. "A-ahh," Jungkook let out, shocked from the sudden pleasure.

"My baby is so sensitive," The prince cood before completely pulling off his boyfriend's shirt. Jungkook shivered from the sudden cold that pricked his skin but looked away, extremely flustered. Taehyung chuckled at the sight, "Its alright baby, you're beautiful."

The prince used his index finger to make the younger face him. Taehyung took a second to admire the others small and petite waist. "So, so beautiful..." Taehyung praised while staring into Jungkook's frightened doe-eyes. He smiled lovingly in hopes to calm the younger a bit before capturing his lips in another kiss.

Taehyung slyly undid the button on Jungkook's pants and pulled down the zipper. The smaller male broke the kiss to tug at his boyfriends uniform top with uneven breath. "O-off." Jungkook breathed out.

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