🏰 ep.3 🏰

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Jungkook P.O.V

I pulled my knees to my chest and started panicking

I cant believe someone saw us! I cant believe I cuddled with the prince of all people. I'm going to get kicked out of this kingdom for sure! Or worse- beaten until I cant walk. What if he tells everyone? I'm going to be in so much trouble...they won't let me see him again. They'll send me to those horrible rooms.

These thoughts brought me to pull me knees to my chest and start panicking. I started crying hard, struggling to breath. Taehyung was so busy getting ready, he didn't notice. Why would he? I'm just another person in his kingdom, a servant nonetheless, the lowest anyone could go.

What if I get kicked out of this kingdom? I have no skills to do anything, for what I've been told. I've failed at being a prince, and most embarrassing- a servant, which is practically impossible.

I start gasping, running out of air in my lungs. My vision starts getting spotted, and I'm only able to whisper out two words. "T-Taeheyung h-help..."

Taehyung P.O.V

I was about to leave when I hear a quiet voice mumble something. I turn around and seeing Jungkook looking practically dead in my bed, his cheeks stained with tears.

"Kookie..." I waste no time in running over and checking his pulse. Its weak but it's there. "Jungkook wake up! Wake up please!" I cry out. I shake me head as tears start to fall.

I pick up his pale body and exit my room, running through the halls to a person I know can help him. I run into the basement, which is where the hospital wing is and see my good friend.

"Jin, I need your help!" I say rather loudly. The said male turned and smiled at me, not noticing the boy in my arms. I slightly lift Jungkook with a frown. "I-I don't know what happened. I t-turned my back on him for o-one second and he passed out or something..." I exsplain. "It's okay Tae, just put him down, you should know where by now with the amount of times you've been here." Jin states. A dry chuckle escaped my lips, walking to the said bed. "Tae I'll take care of him, everything will be fine."

"He better be hyung, because if anything happens it's my fault..." I sigh. "Dont worry, you have word." I nod at the doctor's words. You better be alright Jungkook, because I don't know what would happen if your not.

"Didn't you have that meeting?" Seokjin asks curiously. "I'm not leaving Jungkook!" I exclaim. "You cant skip the meeting." Jin told once more, "Says who?" I question in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Says your hyung," The doctor chuckled. "Fine...but if ANYTHING happens to him, you immediately notify me, understand?" Jin nods, "Of course."

"If anything happens to him, I will kill you Jin. I dont care if your my bestfriend." I warn the older, maybe the threat was partly empty but at least it got the message across. "Yea yea ok, now go attend that meeting before your late." He starts pushing me to the door with a chuckle. I take one last look at the sleeping boy on the bed and sigh, "I'll be back soon."

I leave the basement and go up to the main castle, heading towards one of the large meeting rooms. I walk into the room and sit at the edge of the long table, mindlessly tap the tabletop because I'm early. I see Jimin enter and walk to me.

"So Taehyung, who was that with you?" The short male questions. "None of your business," I awnser with a scoff. "I already caught you two, just tell me!" Jimin protested. "No, you will probably scare him off."

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