🏰 ep.5 🏰

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Taehyung P.O.V

Its been about 30 minutes since I was called into the meeting by my assistant. This stupid gathering was meant to be an hour, but thankfully it ended early. I say my goodbyes and quickly walk out.

The hallways seemed rather empty at this hour. The sun barely making it above the horizon, mixing in with the night causing the sky consist of beautiful colors. I sighed in content, thinking about my day so far.

I rub my eyes as I walk back to my room, wanting to see my bunny again. As I was walking I notice one of the interns that work here looking around frantically. I walk up to them slowly, "Hey, Is something wrong?" I ask. The young girl who appears to be 14 looks up at me, "I-I lost my ca- your majesty?" She looks at me wide-eyes and bows immediately.

I sigh, "Now what was it you lost?" She gets out of the position she was in and frowned, "I lost me cat, she ran away while I was focusing on my homework."

I nod, "Why are you out here so late? Normally the main grounds close at 8:00?" I ask once more. "I'm so sorry your majesty! I was just finishing up to leave but then I noticed my cat was gone." She exclaimed, her eyes getting glossy with new forming tears.

"Maybe I will help you find it, I'm sure the cat cant be far," I say looking around. Her eyes widen and she smiles softly, "thank you, thank you so much!" I nod again and look around the area, listening carefully for any cat noises. I then sigh, realizing Jungkook is probably exspecting me to be back by now. I see a few guards and grab their attention, they immediately come over to me.

"I need you guys to find a cat that's running loose around the castle. See that girl over there? It belongs to her. Make sure to find it before tonight so that cat doesn't escalate further in harder places to get to." I command, They salute to me and start looking.

I walk back over to the girl, "I really would love to stay and help you, but I have someone exspecting me in a little bit. I hope your stay here goes well and you find your cat. I sent soldiers to help look, ok?" She nods understanding, and smiled at me, "Thanks for just attempting to help, you really are an amzing prince. I hope you have a good rest of your day!" And with that she bows one more time before leaving to search for the lost pet.

I start walking back to my room, entering a new set of empty corridors. As I got closer something on the floor caught my attention. Scarlet red liquid? This liquid I recognize as blood. I immediately follow the trail, seeing how it leads to somewhere. I got increasingly worried with each step I took. What if its someone I know? What if it's my parents or siblings? What If its Jungkook...

Whith each thought I start walking faster. After a while I recognize where the trail is leading...the roof.

I don't need to follow the blood trail, immediately running to the place I've been so many times. I open the door and gasp. No. I dont want to believe it. It cant be...can it? My heart was now in bits in peices as I saw...

Jungkook...laying In a pool of blood. He was so pale, he looked like a corpse. I shake my head at the thought and run to him. I lean down and pick him up, not caring if I get blood on my clothes. Right now I only care about saving Jungkook. I quickly run through the halls, down to the basement where Jin usually is. Even though the halls are empty the few people that remain look at me weirdly, but I couldn't care less. Right now I only care about the bleeding prince in my arms.

I quickly open the door and set Jungkook down on the bed in Jin's office. I look around and he wasn't there. "Kim Seokjin where are you?!" I screamed repeatedly. I felt a cold hand against my cheeks, wiping the tears off my skin. I didn't even realize I was crying. I look down and see Jungkook weakly smiling at me despite all the pain.

"I l-love you Taehyung," Jungkook closed his eyes, as his hand falls from my cheek. I start crying all over. "D-dont leave me K-kookie, you c-cant."


next chapter will also be short, its pt.2 to this episode if that makes sense. There was originally gonna be one episode but I split it in half and made them 2 separate ones.

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