🏰 ep.22 🏰

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Jungkook P.O.V

We all ate breakfast in the dining room after me and Tae got ready. I had never been there before and it looked so big and wealthy, chandilears and golden lining decorating the ceilings. I cant believe Taehyung came to this room every morning. Even the food was exquisitely made by personal chefs and served in various silver platters.

We were all dressed formal and classy for the later events. I'm still shocked about being excepted with open arms, everything happened so fast yet I still feel like this is unreal. The queen is very nice and talked to me a lot earlier, trying to get to know me.

And might I add, princess Ha-yoons dress was absolutely stunning. The whole time I kept observing the outfit because she never wears stuff like this, only during that ball. I guess she caught me staring and smirked misheiviously and knowing that kid, she could mean world destruction with that smirk of hers. You honestly never know. But I wish I was able to look and feel as pretty as she did. I'm a boy though, so there really is no use in trying.




(Her dress)

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(Her dress)

After we cleaned up its now time to make our way across the hills up to the registration quart. I was told this is where the biggest events are taken place, such as a coronations or weddings. It's a large room that can only seat a limited amount.

So now the Kim family and I were waiting outside for the carriages to pull up. "Do you two wanna ride separately?" Mrs.Kim asked. Taehyung looked at me briefly before nodding. "Ok then, see you there!" She exclaims before guiding Ha-yoon and Jung-gyu into the first carriage that pulled up. Her and Taehyung's siblings got in and waved bye before shutting the door. As the horse took off, soon the next carriage pulled up. "Let's go baby..." He grabbed my hand and guided me up the small stairs and into the cart.

Before entering, the area was heavily surrounded by guards, it made me a bit uneasy. And it shocked them to hear the prince call me 'baby' just a moment ago. I mean they'll find out sooner or later, right?

A helper shut the door after Taehyung got in and sat next to me. Immediately, we started heading towards the hills. "So I arranged for you to be standing next to my family during the ceremony, sound good?" Taehyung asked. I nodded, a bit tired. So I just rested my head on his shoulder.

"So how do you feel? Being King and all..." I ask. "Hmm...I'm not sure. Ruler at 18 is pretty unique but I think I'm ready." He answers truthfully. "That's good..." I slowly close my eyes.

"Hey hey, you cant go to sleep now. The ride isn't long." He moves his shoulder so I'm forced to sit up. "But Taeee~" I whine tiredly. "Here, I know how to wake you up." He smirks playfully, and I know that can only mean one of two things. "I swear if you tickle me, I will sleep in my own bed for the rest of the week." I retort. He shrugs, "No I had other plans."

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