🏰 ep.18 🏰

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Author P.O.V

Both boys woke up to the sound of holler. "Mr.Kim are you in there?!" Taehyung jerked awake at this, and Jungkook quickly detached himself from the prince.

"Yes! What is is?" Taehyung yelled back, confused and still half asleep.  "King requests you wake up now!" The now familiar voice of a guard replied. Shuffling of feet was heard and the soldier left.

Taehyung huffed, annoyed. He turned to his lovely boyfriend who was mostly asleep. He admired the beautiful boy, not wanting to disturb him again, but sadly...he needs to.

Taehyung gently shook Jungkook, "Hey, baby we need to get up now." Jungkook slowly opened his eyes,
"Tae...I'm tired." The younger yawned, rolling over slightly. "I am too, but you remember what happens today, dont you?" The older reminded. In the blink of an eye the younger sat up quickly.

"I forgot..." Jungkook mumbled, his heart clenching at what will unfold later. The night had passed too quickly for the pair's liking.

Taehyung frowned, gently placing Jungkook's small and shaking hands in his own. "I promise I'll do my best to see you everyday." The prince adds, feeling his own heart start to hurt. "Taehyung I dont want to let you go..." The younger tightly hugs his boyfriend, barrying his head in the crook of the olders neck.

"Your not just yet...I promise." Taehyung reassured. He felt like today would be the day his world crashes down. I mean yes he was hopeless before but something about the whole situation made it seem like this was it.

You can't be attracted to the same gender, it's a very offensive crime. No matter which status its illegal. Consider Taehyungs father to be rather generous since the prince would have been beheaded in any other situation. But Taehyung made another promise to himself a few years back to destroy that law when he becomes King. That people could love whomever they want. Some might rebel...but he wants a sociaty where people wont feel trapped like he experienced his entire life.

While in Taehyungs embrace Jungkook starts to cry, I mean you cant blame him. Today might be the last day he ever gets to see the one he loves. The person who took him in when all hope was lost and gave him compassion and kindness. The one whe was the youngers first and will forever be special.

Taehyung felt his heart tare at the sight of his little bun crying like it was goodbye. He wanted to bring hope...but the prince too has lost his own source of hope.

"Shh its alright Koo...I need you to be a strong boy for me right now, yea?" It hurt the older to ask this, but they couldnt collapse right now. He feared if they did there would only be more consequences. Jungkook let go and nodded slightly, wiping his tears.

The prince kissed Jungkooks forhead softly, cupping his boyfriends face in his hands. "How about we get dressed, hm?" Taehyung questioned using a gentle tone. When the older would always speak to Jungkook this way it had a weird affect that calmed the latter down.

Jungkook smiled and nodded. Taehyung let go and got off the bed, and Jungkook followed. But- as soon as the younger stood up he instantly fell back down. "O-ow!" Jungkook yelped, hissing in pain. That's when Taehyung noticed the many hickies littered on his boyfriend neck. He now inwardly started to panick.

"Looks like I might have gone too rough." Taehyung chuckled to try and hide the fear he was feeling. What is there to be scared of? Well if people were to notice the marks, they would wonder how the servant got them. Then it would only lead to a conclusion that Jungkook is a slut of some sort. They would criticize Jungkook and think less of him, and also think less of the prince since he is 'bestfriends' with this so-called slut. Harsh I know, but people can be so cruel.

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