🏰 ep.23 🏰

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Warning: mention of Crossdressing. I'm only adding this warning because I know some people get upset with stuff like this.

Author P.O.V

Taehyung eyed the younger who stood there, shaking slightly. "C'mon let's go home." He wrapped his arm around Jungkook's waist and guided him over to the carriage that pulled up. Different from the one they rode on when arriving here.

With the little amount of people who still remained, they could only stare at the couple. To say everyone was shocked is an understatement.

The new King helped Jungkook into the carriage before stepping in himself and closing the door. They both sat side by side as the horse started moving to carry them back to the castle.

Finally now alone, Taehyung decided to speak. "Baby are you sure this is only from falling? It looks deep and there is lots of blood." He cupped Jungkook's face softly, and brushed under the cut with his thumb. "Yea I'm positive. I told you, nothing to worry about." The younger assured. Taehyung sighed before pecking Jungkook's lips and pulling his hands away. "If you say so...but remember, I'll do anything for you and your safety." Jungkook could only nod at this, recalling the previous events in his minds.

"And...I'm sorry for having you stand there by yourself. I wanted to be by you Jungkook, truly. Right now I just cant up and leave in those situations. But once we announce who you are to me, I promise we can be together forever." Taehyung brought his arms around the younger and pulled him in a tight embrace. Bringing his right hand up to caress the others hair.

"I-It's ok Tae..." Jungkook replied. And in all honesty the younger was trying to hold back all tears and thoughts. His mind couldn't help but wonder to his home kingdom and what that man said. But poor Jungkook just wanted his boyfriend to have a good day and wasnt going to let a pathetic situation disturb that.

"Y-your finally King! How do you feel now with that fancy crown and control?" Jungkooks asks, trying to distract himself from all the current thoughts. "I cant believe I'm actually a King, it's insane!" Taehyung cheers excitedly. And from here they continue to make small talk until they arrive at the castle.

A male with oarnge hair helps them off the carriage. "Oh! Hobi hyung! How are you?" Taehyung asks the helper. The King was in the happiest mood today. "Your majesty, I'm doing fine actually." J-hope bows with a smile on his face. "Just because I'm King now doesnt mean you have to keep up the formalities. Just call me Taehyung, Hoseok." J-hope nodded before turning to help Jungkook off the carriage. "Oh hello! I've never seen you before?" Hoseok questions to himself before turning to the King. "This is Jungkook, my soon to be fiancé." Taehyung whispers the last sentence as he wraps an arm around the youngers shoulder.

"Oohh~ I see. Must be nice..." The helper sighed to himself before looking back to the pair. "Nice to meet you Jungkook, I guess I'll see you around?" Hoseok concludes, and the prince just nods. Then J-hope turns around to shut the carriage door. The horse pulled off as they waved bye to the cheery helper.

"So bun...I need to fill out some major papers for buisness reasons. Sadly it will take a while, I will meet you in your room later today alright?" Taehyung has both hands placed on the others shoulder. Jungkooks nods, then the King unexpectedly plants a kiss on the youngers forhead. Some people around gasp but didnt say anything. "I promise it won't take long, love you." Jungkook smiles, "I love you too." And with that the older left inside the castle to the workroom.

Once Taehyung was out of sight, a familiar voice chipped. "Hey Kookie! I want you to come with me~" Before Jungkook could repsond he was being dragged away by Ha-yoon. "Where are we going?" The prince asked confused. "You'll see." Was all she could say before rushing off to a different part of the castle.

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