🏰 ep.30 🏰

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Author P.O.V

Just earliest today Taehyung and Jungkook got officially married by contract. The younger didnt think it was neccessary for a big wedding, especially since some may be against their relationship. So Taehyung came up with another way to celebrate.

The two royal Kings were currently packing. The reason being Taehyung insisted they take a well deserved honeymoon. Jungkook wasnt really one to protest, especially since he agreed they could use a short break.

Taehyung planned a few days trip in a vacation home they had near where he proposed. He was ecstatic to be alone with his lover for a bit without the overwhelming work that comes with taking care of a Kingdom. It's a perfect get away for just the two of them.

"Ready bun?" The older asked, wrapping his hands around the youngers waist in a back hug. They had helpers packing their things for them since it was a lot of work. Jungkook nodded meekily. Taehyung smiled, kissing the others nape.

The older spinned Jungkook around so they were facing each other, the younger still in Taehyung's embrace. "Your mine," The older King growled playfully. Jungkook scrunched his nose at the sudden bluntness, becoming flustered. "O-of course I am Tae..." Jungkook looked away, feeling his cheeks get hot, afraid his husband would notice.

It felt weird to call Taehyung his husband since Jungkook was still 16, but it was meaningful too. It showed they got this far. For one thing, they were thankful Mr.Kim didnt marry Taehyung off when he was 5-years-old like some previous Kings.

"Aww my baby," Taehyung chuckled, moving one of his arms to make Jungkook face him. He couldnt resist and just kissed the younger, soft and sweetly. When he pulled away, Jungkook looked down, still not use to all this sudden affection. "I'm gonna make this trip one to remember so you can rest at peace." Taehyung whispered, connecting their foreheads.

The only helper in the room that had gotten use to the couple was Hoseok, the others watched with expressions of disgust or awe. And all the others thought Hoseok would be beheaded for interrupting their moment. "Tae were done, you guys are good to go!" The orange haired male cheered. The fact Hoseok didnt use formalities had the other helpers praying for his soul. What shocked them the most was when the King responded with, "That's perfect! Thanks Hobi, you may take it down the carriage now." The look on the others helpers faces were priceless, looking like they saw a ghost.

As they were taking the luggage downstairs, the Taekook pair was still holding each other, flirting and just being themselves. They slowly got the last of their little things together before heading downstairs. The rest of the Kim family was there to send them off.

"Eomma you'll be the head of things while were gone. Ha-yoon I got you a little gift too." Taehyung announced, motioning to a doorway. And out came princess Ji-yeon.

Ha-yoon tried to hold back an excited squeal at the sight of her crush. She ran up to Ji-yeon and tackled her in a hug. Everyone chuckled at the sight. Yuna walked closer, happy to see her sister again. "Your brother was kind enough to let me keep you company while he was away." Ji-yeon spoke with a fond smile painted on her face. "Thank you Tae!" Ha-yoon shouted, waving to her brother who was about to get on the carriage. The royal couple waved back, happy they could help and hoping their ship will sail soon.

Hoseok assisted the two young royals in, "Have fun!" He smiled before closing the carriage door. The oarnge haired helper was especially excited today, he going to meet up with his favorite blondie.

Now that they were finally alone, Taehyung pulled Jungkook in his lap. He cant help it, he loves embracing the younger. It's like his arms were meant to hold Jungkook and he wasn't going to just ignore that desire.

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