🏰 ep.2 🏰

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Taehyung P.O.V

"How many times do I have to say it? Your always a prince in my eyes."

I don't know where I got this confidence. I don't know why it was a good idea to say this. I see Jungkook's cheeks heat up into a red color, quite cute if you ask me. "T-thank you..." The small boy stammers softly. I smile, "No need to thank me, I was just saying the truth." Jungkook nods, his cheeks changing color again. Seriously, how dark will his cheeks go?

"I'll leave you to settle in," I say, going to the door but abruptly feel a hand around my wrist. I turn back and see Jungkook looking to the ground. "Yes?" I question. "C-can you stay?" He asks timidly. His words shocked me to say the least, "Are you sure Kookie?"

"Yea...you don't have to! J-just this is a new place for me, it's almost scary." I could tell by his facial expression he would go into another rant, luckily I stopped him before doing so, "I would love to stay with you. Just let me get some clothes, okay?" Jungkook nods, "S-sure."

Jungkook P.O.V

How could I ask that to a prince? I feel so stupid right now. He leaves my room and I feel a wave of anxiousness hit. What if he hates me? Or thinks I'm very clingy? I cant stand the thought. I don't want him to hate me...

I sit on the comfortable bed and wait for Taehyung, fidgeting with my long sleeves. He comes back in and I see he's hiding a few things. Probably just PJ's like he said earlier.

"I can sleep on the couch," Taehyung says. "No!" I shout suddenly. He looks at me, suprised by the outburst. "I-I'm sorry. But your the prince of this kingdom...you should be on the bed." I exsplain.

"Except in this room your the ruler, meaning you get the bed," Taehyung protests, sitting on the couch. "If I'm the ruler of this room then I command you to sleep on the bed." I smirk.

"Hmm...how about we just sleep together? The bed is more than big enough." The prince seggusts calmly while standing up. "W-what, are you crazy?" I question, starting to panic. "Only a little," he smiles.

"So are we sharing your highness?" Taehyung asks. "F-fine but only because I-I don't like sleeping o-on a coach. Also no cuddling!" I say, instantly regretting the last sentence. "Whatever you say my prince," his lips form a small smirk. I blush at the name and run to the closet, which is suprisingly already filled with clothes.

I take out plain PJ's, making sure its long sleeved. I didnt want Taehyung to see all the bruises and scars from my old home and here. He'll be repulsed, wouldn't want me anymore. I would no longer be his prince. To be honest, I've grown quite fond of the said prince already and don't wanna jeopardize our forming relationship.

I bow one last time and walk to the bathroom. I quickly get changed, avoiding to look in the mirror. I walk out and see Taehyung already asleep on the bed. Pulling the duvet back I get in the covers, making sure I'm as far away from Taehyung as possible. My eyes quickly close after laying on the soft bed. I'll see you tomorrow.

~ the next morning ~

I wake up and try to get out of bed but was stopped by an arm around my waist. I turn my head the best I can, seeing Taehyung right behind me, our faces only a few inches apart. I blush and try to move his arm, but he just ends up grabbing me tighter. "Stop moving pillow, I'm trying to sleep..." He groans. I giggle at the older prince's words.

"Taehyung please let me go... I have to start my daily work." Hearing my voice, his eyes quickly open. All except his arm stays still wrapped firmly around my waist. "Sorry Kookie, I usually hug something in my sleep. It helps me sleep better." Taehyung exsplains apologetically.

"I-it's fine. C-Can you j-just let go?" I stutter. Taehyung shakes his head 'no' and closed his eyes again, as if he's trying to go back to sleep. "I need to go to w-work."

"Take the day off," He mumbles. "You know thats not possible, I shouldn't even be here with you. I'm a servant, your a prince," I exclaim with a frown.

"Stop saying your a servant, remember your my prince. Now go back to bed." Taehyung yawned before shutting his eyes again. I blush but nod anyways, knowing there was no getting out of this. I lay back down and Taehyung peeks his eyes open, before pulling me to his chest. This yet again makes my face bright red, it's a good thing he shut his eyes already.

? P.O.V

I enter Tae's room, trying to find him. We have a meeting with the neighboring kingdoms and it starts soon. I look around and he's nowhere in sight. But I do see a door that wasn't there before. I enter through and see something I'm never forgetting. Taehyung and a random boy cuddling In bed. If only I had something to record this, at least I have my memory.

"You my friend, are never seeing the end of this..."

As much as I hate to ruin this 'adorable' moment for them, the meeting starts soon and I don'thave time for this. I sigh before smirking to myself, starting to scream at the top of my lungs. "KIM TAEHYUNG WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!!" I yell. Taehyung groans and takes his arm off the other guy.

"Shut up midget and let me sleep!" The prince groans. "Unlees your willing to be late to that meeting then sure," I chuckle at how forgetful he can be. "Meeting?" Taehyung questions with furrowed eyebrows. "With the other kingdoms silly." His eyes widen, "Ah crap!" Taehyung quickly gets up and I notice he is only in sweatpants. Obviously the other guy has never seen the prince shirtless, so he starts blushing like crazy.

"Jimin...out...now." Taehyung commands. "I'll be here in an hour If you don't arrive. " I acknowledge. "Yes sir," Taehyung gives me a mini solute. I laugh and shake my head, leaving the room. Taehyung has a lot of explaining to do.

Jungkook P.O.V

After Taehyung's friend left, he ran to his room to get changed, looking back at me every so often.

Thoughts consume me about what just happened. I start panicking, pulling my legs up to my chest, hugging my knees. Deep breaths kook, deep breaths. Crap! It's not working.


Finish ep.2
Hopefully it meets your exspectations!💕

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