🏰 ep.25 🏰

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Warning, there is Mpreg. If you dont like that then skip, but it's a very important chapter. And you might wanna grab some popcorn🍿 or tea 🍵 for this🤧

Announcement at the end >

Author P.O.V

As the days progressed it got closer to the meeting with Jungkook's father. And today was it. Taehyung had already scheduled for this date a while ago, and since Mr.Jeon didn't know what this meeting was particularly about, he agreed.

Now in the beautiful sun lit morning, a helper came to the King's room like normal to inform about this meeting. Him and Jungkook woke up with a groan, they were cuddled together, peacefully resting. The young prince had been dreading this moment ever since he was informed a while back.

Taehyung sat up, seeing Jungkook trying to act asleep but was clearly faking. "Baby we have to do this, I need awnsers. If he dares lay a finger or threaten you, I wont hesitate to step in." The older assured, leaning down to cup Jungkooks face. "I don't think I'm ready yet." The younger whispered, opening his eyes softly.

Taehyung's gaze softened, "For me...please. He's your father, he has to at least regret something. I'll be with you the whole time." Jungkook sat up, a pout evident on his features. "A-alright." Taehyung smiled, "It's only for a few hours, thanks bun." The King planted a kiss on Jungkooks forhead before climbing off the bed and walking to his wardrobe.

"Wanna pick out my outfit for today?" The older shouted, to in witch Jungkook rushed to his side. Scanning the many outfits hanging up. "Hmm...I like the white jacket and black pants, they look good on you." Jungkook spoke groggily, still not fully awake. Taehyung chuckled before taking the said clothes off the rack. He kissed the youngers temple, "Go get ready Bun."

Jungkook nodded and exited to his room. The small male picked out one of his usual formal outfits. This time he did a golden jacket with white pants. His shirt underneath was silver and partly sheer. He combed out his hair a bit before going back to the King's room.

When Taehyung noticed his presence, he walked over to Jungkook. "Pretty as always~" The older planted a quick peck to the youngers soft lips. "T-tae..." Jungkook became flustered and turned the other way, "When will you learn to accept the truth baby," The King smiled, wrapping his arms around the others petite waist.

They stood there, holding each other for a while. The two are content, like all their worries were washed away or blurred in this comforting moment. It sadly couldn't last, they had somewhere to be in about an hour or so.

"Let's go eat, yea?" Taehyung asked, dragging his lover out the door and down the hallway. Guards would bow in the presence of their King, but others seemed hesitant. This King was holding another man's hand, very unusual and skeptical.

Just then they were stopped by a shorter man, wearing the Kim uniform. "Your highness..." The male bowed on one knee in front of the younger. Taehyung slapped the guys head, "Gosh dammit Yoongi, cut the royal crap out." The King chuckled as his friend stood up. "Ha sorry. I've been assigned to be your personal guard. With you at all times." Yoongi added, rubbing his head from the slap.

"Ou that's perfect! Come with us to the meeting at the Jeon palace. Protect me, but most importantly no one can touch my boyfriend here." Taehyung nudged Jungkook who stood their wide-eyed at the statement. "T-tae what are y-you-" The younger stuttered, but was cut off by the King. "It's ok, I've known him for a long time."

Jungkook just stood there awkwardly. "Aww so this is who everyone's been talking about. Well played Tae." Yoongi laughed, eyeing the poor prince. "Yep, I'm never letting him go." Taehyung smiled, digging his nose in Jungkook's hair, a playful manner.

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