🏰 ep.31 🏰

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Author P.O.V

The royal couple spend about three days at the vacation home. Their honeymoon was pleasant, upset to come home with the stress of ruling a Kingdom. Of course Taehyung would tease Jungkook here and there. They maybe did a few minor things, but both were well aware Jungkook couldn't get preganant, at least not now. A year or two later? It was a possibility Taehyung was more then just considering.

Now it was time to head home. They just finished packing everything into the carriage. The couple settled in the back, allowing the driver to begin the journey back to the palace. Taehyung begged Jungkook to wear one of the outfits his sister bought but Jungkook declined. Ha-yoon warned not to wear anything outside the castle and Jungkook didnt want any unwanted attention on him, especially towards Taehyung.

As usual, the older pulled his husband on his lap. When they're alone it seems to be a habit of Taehyung's. "I wish we could stay there forever," The older whined. Jungkook giggled, tapping Taehyung's nose, "But if we stayed there what about everyone else?" Taehyung scrunched his nose at the youngers action. "I know, I know." Taehyung rolled his eyes playfully.

Jungkook snuggled into his husband's chest, getting comfortable. "The first few days back will be a bit hectic, think your up for it?"  Taehyung questioned, bringing a hand up to play with Jungkook's soft hair. "I think I'll be ok." The younger assured, giving small and light kisses to the older neck.

Taehyung groaned, "Baby are you tired? Don't do that." He remembers last time Jungkook sat on his lap and blew on his neck, it didn't end well. "Mhm," The smaller male replied. "Sleep then, I'll wake you when were there." Taehyung informed, pushing the bangs from Jungkook's eyes. The younger nodded, closing his eyes.

Before they knew it, the castle was up ahead. Taehyung gently shook his husband, "Bun were here." He informed. Jungkook sat up with a groan, rubbing his eyes as the carriage came to a stop. Hoseok opened the door, only to see a tired Jungkook sitting on Taehyung. The orange haired male chuckled at this, "Welcome back!" Hobi greeted.

Taehyung smiled, helping Jungkook step out who still partly delirious. Guards were lined by the carpet to the entrance, the palace wasn't burnt down so thats good. Ha-yoon and Ji-yeon were also at the entrance, they were holding hands, which turned Jungkook wide awake. The young King shot Ha-yoon a smirk and the girl could only blush. Taehyung laughed at the scene, putting his hand on the lower of Jungkook's back to guide him inside.

Hoseok looked cheerful but in reality was panicking. Jin was forcing them to mention Jimin today and exsplain what happened. Hoseok didnt wanna bother Taehyung on such a peaceful afternoon but knew they would have to mention it sooner or later.

The two Kings were escorted to the dining room for lunch since they didnt eat much earlier. All of their friends were invited as well. Once everyone was seated, waiters came out and served a delicious meal. Yes, Jungkook was a prince before getting banished but he was never treated kindly. All these people serving and working for Jungkook made him a bit uncomfortable. Taehyung didn't seem to notice the discomfort on his husband's face, attention going fully to the pork and salad placed down.

The young King shrugged it off though, figuring he might as well get use to it. Taehyung slammed his hand on the table, gaining the attention of everyone in the room.

"Who bought Jungkook clothes recently? Reveal yourself now, it has to be someone here." Taehyung shouted, staring down everyone. Jungkook gasped, shocked at this sudden question and praying for Ha-yoon's soul.

When the young girl slowly raised her hand, Taehyung smirked, "I knew it! Ha-yoon I'm granting you access to the locked book collection for a week, I owe you a thanks." This shocked both Ha-yoon and Jungkook, thinking the older would curse her down for buying him something that alluring.

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